using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Net.Sockets;
using System.Text;
using ProtoBuf;
using ProtoBuf.Meta;
using xServer.Core.Compression;
using xServer.Core.Encryption;
using xServer.Core.Extensions;
using xServer.Core.Packets;
using xServer.Settings;
namespace xServer.Core
public class Client
/// Occurs when the state of the client changes.
public event ClientStateEventHandler ClientState;
/// Represents the method that will handle a change in a client's state.
/// The client which changed its state.
/// The new connection state of the client.
public delegate void ClientStateEventHandler(Client s, bool connected);
/// Fires an event that informs subscribers that the state of the client has changed.
/// The new connection state of the client.
private void OnClientState(bool connected)
if (Connected == connected) return;
Connected = connected;
if (ClientState != null)
ClientState(this, connected);
if (!connected && !_parentServer.Processing)
/// Occurs when a packet is received from the client.
public event ClientReadEventHandler ClientRead;
/// Represents the method that will handle a packet received from the client.
/// The client that has received the packet.
/// The packet that received by the client.
public delegate void ClientReadEventHandler(Client s, IPacket packet);
/// Fires an event that informs subscribers that a packet has been
/// received from the client.
/// The packet that received by the client.
private void OnClientRead(IPacket packet)
if (ClientRead != null)
ClientRead(this, packet);
/// Occurs when a packet is sent by the client.
public event ClientWriteEventHandler ClientWrite;
/// Represents the method that will handle the sent packet.
/// The client that has sent the packet.
/// The packet that has been sent by the client.
/// The length of the packet.
/// The packet in raw bytes.
public delegate void ClientWriteEventHandler(Client s, IPacket packet, long length, byte[] rawData);
/// Fires an event that informs subscribers that the client has sent a packet.
/// The packet that has been sent by the client.
/// The length of the packet.
/// The packet in raw bytes.
private void OnClientWrite(IPacket packet, long length, byte[] rawData)
if (ClientWrite != null)
ClientWrite(this, packet, length, rawData);
/// Checks whether the clients are equal.
/// Client to compare with.
public bool Equals(Client c)
return this.EndPoint.Port == c.EndPoint.Port; // this port is always unique for each client
/// The type of the packet received.
public enum ReceiveType
public const uint KEEP_ALIVE_TIME = 25000;
public const uint KEEP_ALIVE_INTERVAL = 25000;
public const int HEADER_SIZE = 4;
public const int MAX_PACKET_SIZE = (1024*1024)*2; //2MB
private Socket _handle;
private int _typeIndex;
/// The buffer for the client's incoming and outgoing packets.
private byte[] _buffer = new byte[MAX_PACKET_SIZE];
//receive info
private int _readOffset;
private int _writeOffset;
private int _readableDataLen;
private int _payloadLen;
private ReceiveType _receiveState = ReceiveType.Header;
//Connection info
public bool Connected { get; private set; }
public UserState Value { get; set; }
public IPEndPoint EndPoint { get; private set; }
private Server _parentServer;
private const bool encryptionEnabled = true;
private const bool compressionEnabled = true;
public Client()
internal Client(Server server, Socket sock, Type[] packets)
AddTypesToSerializer(typeof (IPacket), packets);
_parentServer = server;
_handle = sock;
_handle.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.Socket, SocketOptionName.NoDelay, true);
_handle.NoDelay = true;
_handle.BeginReceive(this._buffer, 0, this._buffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, AsyncReceive, null);
EndPoint = (IPEndPoint) _handle.RemoteEndPoint;
private void Initialize()
AddTypeToSerializer(typeof (IPacket), typeof (UnknownPacket));
private void AsyncReceive(IAsyncResult result)
int bytesTransferred = -1;
bytesTransferred = _handle.EndReceive(result);
if (bytesTransferred <= 0)
catch (Exception)
_parentServer.BytesReceived += bytesTransferred;
_readableDataLen += bytesTransferred;
bool process = true;
while (process)
switch (_receiveState)
case ReceiveType.Header:
process = _readableDataLen >= HEADER_SIZE;
if (process)
_payloadLen = BitConverter.ToInt32(_buffer, _readOffset);
_readableDataLen -= HEADER_SIZE;
_readOffset += HEADER_SIZE;
_receiveState = ReceiveType.Payload;
case ReceiveType.Payload:
process = _readableDataLen >= _payloadLen;
if (process)
byte[] payload = new byte[_payloadLen];
Array.Copy(this._buffer, _readOffset, payload, 0, payload.Length);
if (encryptionEnabled)
payload = AES.Decrypt(payload, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(XMLSettings.Password));
if (payload.Length > 0)
if (compressionEnabled)
payload = new SafeQuickLZ().Decompress(payload, 0, payload.Length);
using (MemoryStream deserialized = new MemoryStream(payload))
IPacket packet = Serializer.DeserializeWithLengthPrefix(deserialized,
_readOffset += _payloadLen;
_readableDataLen -= _payloadLen;
_receiveState = ReceiveType.Header;
int len = _receiveState == ReceiveType.Header ? HEADER_SIZE : _payloadLen;
if (_readOffset + len >= this._buffer.Length)
//copy the buffer to the beginning
Array.Copy(this._buffer, _readOffset, this._buffer, 0, _readableDataLen);
_writeOffset = _readableDataLen;
_readOffset = 0;
//payload fits in the buffer from the current offset
//use BytesTransferred to write at the end of the payload
//so that the data is not split
_writeOffset += bytesTransferred;
if (_buffer.Length - _writeOffset > 0)
_handle.BeginReceive(this._buffer, _writeOffset, _buffer.Length - _writeOffset, SocketFlags.None,
AsyncReceive, null);
//Shoudln't be even possible... very strange
public void Send(T packet) where T : IPacket
lock (_handle)
if (!Connected)
using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())
Serializer.SerializeWithLengthPrefix(ms, packet, PrefixStyle.Fixed32);
byte[] data = ms.ToArray();
OnClientWrite(packet, data.LongLength, data);
private void Send(byte[] data)
if (!Connected)
if (compressionEnabled)
data = new SafeQuickLZ().Compress(data, 0, data.Length, 3);
if (encryptionEnabled)
data = AES.Encrypt(data, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(XMLSettings.Password));
byte[] temp = BitConverter.GetBytes(data.Length);
byte[] payload = new byte[data.Length + 4];
Array.Copy(temp, payload, temp.Length);
Array.Copy(data, 0, payload, 4, data.Length);
_parentServer.BytesSent += payload.Length;
/// Disconnect the client from the server and dispose of
/// resources associated with the client.
public void Disconnect()
if (_handle != null)
_buffer = null;
_readOffset = 0;
_writeOffset = 0;
_readableDataLen = 0;
_payloadLen = 0;
/// Adds a Type to the serializer so a message can be properly serialized.
/// The parent type, i.e.: IPacket
/// Type to be added
public void AddTypeToSerializer(Type parent, Type type)
if (type == null || parent == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException();
bool isAlreadyAdded = RuntimeTypeModel.Default[parent].GetSubtypes().Any(subType => subType.DerivedType.Type == type);
if (!isAlreadyAdded)
RuntimeTypeModel.Default[parent].AddSubType(_typeIndex += 1, type);
/// Adds Types to the serializer.
/// The parent type, i.e.: IPacket
/// Types to add.
public void AddTypesToSerializer(Type parent, params Type[] types)
foreach (Type type in types)
AddTypeToSerializer(parent, type);