#if !NO_RUNTIME using System; using ProtoBuf.Meta; #if FEAT_IKVM using Type = IKVM.Reflection.Type; using IKVM.Reflection; #else using System.Reflection; #endif namespace ProtoBuf.Serializers { internal sealed class TupleSerializer : IProtoTypeSerializer { private readonly MemberInfo[] members; private readonly ConstructorInfo ctor; private IProtoSerializer[] tails; public TupleSerializer(RuntimeTypeModel model, ConstructorInfo ctor, MemberInfo[] members) { if (ctor == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("ctor"); if (members == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("members"); this.ctor = ctor; this.members = members; this.tails = new IProtoSerializer[members.Length]; ParameterInfo[] parameters = ctor.GetParameters(); for (int i = 0; i < members.Length; i++) { WireType wireType; Type finalType = parameters[i].ParameterType; Type itemType = null, defaultType = null; MetaType.ResolveListTypes(model, finalType, ref itemType, ref defaultType); Type tmp = itemType == null ? finalType : itemType; bool asReference = false; int typeIndex = model.FindOrAddAuto(tmp, false, true, false); if (typeIndex >= 0) { asReference = model[tmp].AsReferenceDefault; } IProtoSerializer tail = ValueMember.TryGetCoreSerializer(model, DataFormat.Default, tmp, out wireType, asReference, false, false, true), serializer; if (tail == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException("No serializer defined for type: " + tmp.FullName); } tail = new TagDecorator(i + 1, wireType, false, tail); if (itemType == null) { serializer = tail; } else { if (finalType.IsArray) { serializer = new ArrayDecorator(model, tail, i + 1, false, wireType, finalType, false, false); } else { serializer = ListDecorator.Create(model, finalType, defaultType, tail, i + 1, false, wireType, true, false, false); } } tails[i] = serializer; } } public bool HasCallbacks(Meta.TypeModel.CallbackType callbackType) { return false; } #if FEAT_COMPILER public void EmitCallback(Compiler.CompilerContext ctx, Compiler.Local valueFrom, Meta.TypeModel.CallbackType callbackType){} #endif public Type ExpectedType { get { return ctor.DeclaringType; } } #if !FEAT_IKVM void IProtoTypeSerializer.Callback(object value, Meta.TypeModel.CallbackType callbackType, SerializationContext context) { } object IProtoTypeSerializer.CreateInstance(ProtoReader source) { throw new NotSupportedException(); } private object GetValue(object obj, int index) { PropertyInfo prop; FieldInfo field; if ((prop = members[index] as PropertyInfo) != null) { if (obj == null) return Helpers.IsValueType(prop.PropertyType) ? Activator.CreateInstance(prop.PropertyType) : null; return prop.GetValue(obj, null); } else if ((field = members[index] as FieldInfo) != null) { if (obj == null) return Helpers.IsValueType(field.FieldType) ? Activator.CreateInstance(field.FieldType) : null; return field.GetValue(obj); } else { throw new InvalidOperationException(); } } public object Read(object value, ProtoReader source) { object[] values = new object[members.Length]; bool invokeCtor = false; if (value == null) { invokeCtor = true; } for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) values[i] = GetValue(value, i); int field; while ((field = source.ReadFieldHeader()) > 0) { invokeCtor = true; if (field <= tails.Length) { IProtoSerializer tail = tails[field - 1]; values[field - 1] = tails[field - 1].Read(tail.RequiresOldValue ? values[field - 1] : null, source); } else { source.SkipField(); } } return invokeCtor ? ctor.Invoke(values) : value; } public void Write(object value, ProtoWriter dest) { for (int i = 0; i < tails.Length; i++) { object val = GetValue(value, i); if (val != null) tails[i].Write(val, dest); } } #endif public bool RequiresOldValue { get { return true; } } public bool ReturnsValue { get { return false; } } private Type GetMemberType(int index) { Type result = Helpers.GetMemberType(members[index]); if (result == null) throw new InvalidOperationException(); return result; } bool IProtoTypeSerializer.CanCreateInstance() { return false; } #if FEAT_COMPILER public void EmitWrite(Compiler.CompilerContext ctx, Compiler.Local valueFrom) { using (Compiler.Local loc = ctx.GetLocalWithValue(ctor.DeclaringType, valueFrom)) { for (int i = 0; i < tails.Length; i++) { Type type = GetMemberType(i); ctx.LoadAddress(loc, ExpectedType); switch(members[i].MemberType) { case MemberTypes.Field: ctx.LoadValue((FieldInfo)members[i]); break; case MemberTypes.Property: ctx.LoadValue((PropertyInfo)members[i]); break; } ctx.WriteNullCheckedTail(type, tails[i], null); } } } void IProtoTypeSerializer.EmitCreateInstance(Compiler.CompilerContext ctx) { throw new NotSupportedException(); } public void EmitRead(Compiler.CompilerContext ctx, Compiler.Local incoming) { using (Compiler.Local objValue = ctx.GetLocalWithValue(ExpectedType, incoming)) { Compiler.Local[] locals = new Compiler.Local[members.Length]; try { for (int i = 0; i < locals.Length; i++) { Type type = GetMemberType(i); bool store = true; locals[i] = new Compiler.Local(ctx, type); if (!ExpectedType.IsValueType) { // value-types always read the old value if (type.IsValueType) { switch (Helpers.GetTypeCode(type)) { case ProtoTypeCode.Boolean: case ProtoTypeCode.Byte: case ProtoTypeCode.Int16: case ProtoTypeCode.Int32: case ProtoTypeCode.SByte: case ProtoTypeCode.UInt16: case ProtoTypeCode.UInt32: ctx.LoadValue(0); break; case ProtoTypeCode.Int64: case ProtoTypeCode.UInt64: ctx.LoadValue(0L); break; case ProtoTypeCode.Single: ctx.LoadValue(0.0F); break; case ProtoTypeCode.Double: ctx.LoadValue(0.0D); break; case ProtoTypeCode.Decimal: ctx.LoadValue(0M); break; case ProtoTypeCode.Guid: ctx.LoadValue(Guid.Empty); break; default: ctx.LoadAddress(locals[i], type); ctx.EmitCtor(type); store = false; break; } } else { ctx.LoadNullRef(); } if (store) { ctx.StoreValue(locals[i]); } } } Compiler.CodeLabel skipOld = ExpectedType.IsValueType ? new Compiler.CodeLabel() : ctx.DefineLabel(); if (!ExpectedType.IsValueType) { ctx.LoadAddress(objValue, ExpectedType); ctx.BranchIfFalse(skipOld, false); } for (int i = 0; i < members.Length; i++) { ctx.LoadAddress(objValue, ExpectedType); switch (members[i].MemberType) { case MemberTypes.Field: ctx.LoadValue((FieldInfo) members[i]); break; case MemberTypes.Property: ctx.LoadValue((PropertyInfo) members[i]); break; } ctx.StoreValue(locals[i]); } if (!ExpectedType.IsValueType) ctx.MarkLabel(skipOld); using (Compiler.Local fieldNumber = new Compiler.Local(ctx, ctx.MapType(typeof (int)))) { Compiler.CodeLabel @continue = ctx.DefineLabel(), processField = ctx.DefineLabel(), notRecognised = ctx.DefineLabel(); ctx.Branch(@continue, false); Compiler.CodeLabel[] handlers = new Compiler.CodeLabel[members.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < members.Length; i++) { handlers[i] = ctx.DefineLabel(); } ctx.MarkLabel(processField); ctx.LoadValue(fieldNumber); ctx.LoadValue(1); ctx.Subtract(); // jump-table is zero-based ctx.Switch(handlers); // and the default: ctx.Branch(notRecognised, false); for (int i = 0; i < handlers.Length; i++) { ctx.MarkLabel(handlers[i]); IProtoSerializer tail = tails[i]; Compiler.Local oldValIfNeeded = tail.RequiresOldValue ? locals[i] : null; ctx.ReadNullCheckedTail(locals[i].Type, tail, oldValIfNeeded); if (tail.ReturnsValue) { if (locals[i].Type.IsValueType) { ctx.StoreValue(locals[i]); } else { Compiler.CodeLabel hasValue = ctx.DefineLabel(), allDone = ctx.DefineLabel(); ctx.CopyValue(); ctx.BranchIfTrue(hasValue, true); // interpret null as "don't assign" ctx.DiscardValue(); ctx.Branch(allDone, true); ctx.MarkLabel(hasValue); ctx.StoreValue(locals[i]); ctx.MarkLabel(allDone); } } ctx.Branch(@continue, false); } ctx.MarkLabel(notRecognised); ctx.LoadReaderWriter(); ctx.EmitCall(ctx.MapType(typeof (ProtoReader)).GetMethod("SkipField")); ctx.MarkLabel(@continue); ctx.EmitBasicRead("ReadFieldHeader", ctx.MapType(typeof (int))); ctx.CopyValue(); ctx.StoreValue(fieldNumber); ctx.LoadValue(0); ctx.BranchIfGreater(processField, false); } for (int i = 0; i < locals.Length; i++) { ctx.LoadValue(locals[i]); } ctx.EmitCtor(ctor); ctx.StoreValue(objValue); } finally { for (int i = 0; i < locals.Length; i++) { if (locals[i] != null) locals[i].Dispose(); // release for re-use } } } } #endif } } #endif