using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Threading; using NATUPNPLib; namespace xServer.Core.Helper { internal static class UPnP { public static void ForwardPort(ushort port) { new Thread(() => { EndPoint endPoint; string ipAddr = string.Empty; int retry = 0; do { try { TcpClient c = null; try { c = new TcpClient(); c.Connect("", 80); endPoint = c.Client.LocalEndPoint; } finally { // Placed in here to make sure that a failed TcpClient will never linger! if (c != null) { c.Close(); } } if (endPoint != null) { ipAddr = endPoint.ToString(); int index = ipAddr.IndexOf(":"); ipAddr = ipAddr.Remove(index); // We got through successfully and with an endpoint and a parsed IP address. We may exit the loop. break; } else { retry++; } } catch { retry++; } } while (retry < 5); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ipAddr)) // If we can't successfully connect return; try { IStaticPortMappingCollection portMap = new UPnPNAT().StaticPortMappingCollection; if (portMap != null) portMap.Add(port, "TCP", port, ipAddr, true, "xRAT 2.0 UPnP"); } catch { } }).Start(); } public static void RemovePort(ushort port) { try { IStaticPortMappingCollection portMap = new UPnPNAT().StaticPortMappingCollection; if (portMap != null) portMap.Remove(port, "TCP"); } catch { } } } }