using System;
using System.Management;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace xClient.Core.Helper
public static class PlatformHelper
/// Initializes the class.
static PlatformHelper()
Win32NT = Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Win32NT;
XpOrHigher = Win32NT && Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major >= 5;
VistaOrHigher = Win32NT && Environment.OSVersion.Version.Major >= 6;
SevenOrHigher = Win32NT && (Environment.OSVersion.Version >= new Version(6, 1));
EightOrHigher = Win32NT && (Environment.OSVersion.Version >= new Version(6, 2, 9200));
EightPointOneOrHigher = Win32NT && (Environment.OSVersion.Version >= new Version(6, 3));
TenOrHigher = Win32NT && (Environment.OSVersion.Version >= new Version(10, 0));
RunningOnMono = Type.GetType("Mono.Runtime") != null;
Name = "Unknown OS";
using (
ManagementObjectSearcher searcher =
new ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT Caption FROM Win32_OperatingSystem"))
foreach (ManagementObject os in searcher.Get())
Name = os["Caption"].ToString();
Name = Regex.Replace(Name, "^.*(?=Windows)", "").TrimEnd().TrimStart(); // Remove everything before first match "Windows" and trim end & start
/// Gets the name of the operating system running on this computer (including the edition).
public static string Name { get; private set; }
/// Determines if the current application is 32 or 64-bit.
public static int Architecture { get { return IntPtr.Size * 8; } }
/// Returns a indicating whether the application is running in Mono runtime.
/// true if the application is running in Mono runtime; otherwise, false.
public static bool RunningOnMono { get; private set; }
/// Returns a indicating whether the Operating System is Windows 32 NT based.
/// true if the Operating System is Windows 32 NT based; otherwise, false.
public static bool Win32NT { get; private set; }
/// Returns a value indicating whether the Operating System is Windows XP or higher.
/// true if the Operating System is Windows XP or higher; otherwise, false.
public static bool XpOrHigher { get; private set; }
/// Returns a value indicating whether the Operating System is Windows Vista or higher.
/// true if the Operating System is Windows Vista or higher; otherwise, false.
public static bool VistaOrHigher { get; private set; }
/// Returns a value indicating whether the Operating System is Windows 7 or higher.
/// true if the Operating System is Windows 7 or higher; otherwise, false.
public static bool SevenOrHigher { get; private set; }
/// Returns a value indicating whether the Operating System is Windows 8 or higher.
/// true if the Operating System is Windows 8 or higher; otherwise, false.
public static bool EightOrHigher { get; private set; }
/// Returns a value indicating whether the Operating System is Windows 8.1 or higher.
/// true if the Operating System is Windows 8.1 or higher; otherwise, false.
public static bool EightPointOneOrHigher { get; private set; }
/// Returns a value indicating whether the Operating System is Windows 10 or higher.
/// true if the Operating System is Windows 10 or higher; otherwise, false.
public static bool TenOrHigher { get; private set; }