Dispose of unmanaged resources used by the server's UnsafeStreamCodec
and JpgCompression (because it is pretty related to the
UnsafeStreamCodec). Made sure that the UnsafeStreamCodec was being
disposed of before being re-assigned.
Note: I did not reflect these changes to the client's UnsafeStreamCodec
because the implementation of the client's codec is a bit different in
the CommandHandler. This different implementation caused instability in
the client. In the server, I noticed decreased memory consumption and
decreased fluctuation in the memory used.
Setting objects to null would be optimized out. Clearing lists probably
would not be optimized out. There is no need to explicitly clear a list
of items or setting objects to null in C#. We must let the Garbage
Collector have its way.
Made the lock for the codec readonly. This makes it impossible for a
spot (excluding constructors) from touching the lock. Tampering with the
lock means that, if something acquires the lock and enters critical
code, the lock can be changed and the critical code's thread safety can
be violated.