
134 lines
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2020-07-08 02:31:26 +00:00
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
# two layers of GRU
class Gru_cond_layer(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, params):
super(Gru_cond_layer, self).__init__()
2020-07-22 02:01:12 +00:00
self.cuda = params['cuda']
2020-07-08 02:31:26 +00:00
# attention
self.conv_Ua = nn.Conv2d(params['D'], params['dim_attention'], kernel_size=1)
self.fc_Wa = nn.Linear(params['n'], params['dim_attention'], bias=False)
self.conv_Q = nn.Conv2d(1, 512, kernel_size=11, bias=False, padding=5)
self.fc_Uf = nn.Linear(512, params['dim_attention'])
self.fc_va = nn.Linear(params['dim_attention'], 1)
# the first GRU layer
self.fc_Wyz = nn.Linear(params['m'], params['n'])
self.fc_Wyr = nn.Linear(params['m'], params['n'])
self.fc_Wyh = nn.Linear(params['m'], params['n'])
self.fc_Uhz = nn.Linear(params['n'], params['n'], bias=False)
self.fc_Uhr = nn.Linear(params['n'], params['n'], bias=False)
self.fc_Uhh = nn.Linear(params['n'], params['n'], bias=False)
# the second GRU layer
self.fc_Wcz = nn.Linear(params['D'], params['n'], bias=False)
self.fc_Wcr = nn.Linear(params['D'], params['n'], bias=False)
self.fc_Wch = nn.Linear(params['D'], params['n'], bias=False)
self.fc_Uhz2 = nn.Linear(params['n'], params['n'])
self.fc_Uhr2 = nn.Linear(params['n'], params['n'])
self.fc_Uhh2 = nn.Linear(params['n'], params['n'])
def forward(self, params, embedding, mask=None, context=None, context_mask=None, one_step=False, init_state=None,
n_steps = embedding.shape[0]
n_samples = embedding.shape[1]
Ua_ctx = self.conv_Ua(context)
Ua_ctx = Ua_ctx.permute(2, 3, 0, 1)
state_below_z = self.fc_Wyz(embedding)
state_below_r = self.fc_Wyr(embedding)
state_below_h = self.fc_Wyh(embedding)
if one_step:
if mask is None:
2020-07-22 02:01:12 +00:00
mask = torch.ones(embedding.shape[0])
if self.cuda:
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h2ts, cts, alphas, alpha_pasts = self._step_slice(mask, state_below_r, state_below_z, state_below_h,
init_state, context, context_mask, alpha_past, Ua_ctx)
2020-07-22 02:01:12 +00:00
alpha_past = torch.zeros(n_samples, context.shape[2], context.shape[3])
2020-07-08 02:31:26 +00:00
h2t = init_state
2020-07-22 02:01:12 +00:00
h2ts = torch.zeros(n_steps, n_samples, params['n'])
cts = torch.zeros(n_steps, n_samples, params['D'])
alphas = (torch.zeros(n_steps, n_samples, context.shape[2], context.shape[3]))
alpha_pasts = torch.zeros(n_steps, n_samples, context.shape[2], context.shape[3])
if self.cuda:
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for i in range(n_steps):
h2t, ct, alpha, alpha_past = self._step_slice(mask[i], state_below_r[i], state_below_z[i],
state_below_h[i], h2t, context, context_mask, alpha_past,
h2ts[i] = h2t
cts[i] = ct
alphas[i] = alpha
alpha_pasts[i] = alpha_past
return h2ts, cts, alphas, alpha_pasts
# one step of two GRU layers
def _step_slice(self, mask, state_below_r, state_below_z, state_below_h, h, ctx, ctx_mask, alpha_past, Ua_ctx):
# the first GRU layer
z1 = torch.sigmoid(self.fc_Uhz(h) + state_below_z)
r1 = torch.sigmoid(self.fc_Uhr(h) + state_below_r)
h1_p = torch.tanh(self.fc_Uhh(h) * r1 + state_below_h)
h1 = z1 * h + (1. - z1) * h1_p
h1 = mask[:, None] * h1 + (1. - mask)[:, None] * h
# attention
Wa_h1 = self.fc_Wa(h1)
alpha_past_ = alpha_past[:, None, :, :]
cover_F = self.conv_Q(alpha_past_).permute(2, 3, 0, 1)
cover_vector = self.fc_Uf(cover_F)
attention_score = torch.tanh(Ua_ctx + Wa_h1[None, None, :, :] + cover_vector)
alpha = self.fc_va(attention_score)
alpha = alpha.view(alpha.shape[0], alpha.shape[1], alpha.shape[2])
alpha = torch.exp(alpha)
if (ctx_mask is not None):
alpha = alpha * ctx_mask.permute(1, 2, 0)
alpha = alpha / alpha.sum(1).sum(0)[None, None, :]
alpha_past = alpha_past + alpha.permute(2, 0, 1)
ct = (ctx * alpha.permute(2, 0, 1)[:, None, :, :]).sum(3).sum(2)
# the second GRU layer
z2 = torch.sigmoid(self.fc_Wcz(ct) + self.fc_Uhz2(h1))
r2 = torch.sigmoid(self.fc_Wcr(ct) + self.fc_Uhr2(h1))
h2_p = torch.tanh(self.fc_Wch(ct) + self.fc_Uhh2(h1) * r2)
h2 = z2 * h1 + (1. - z2) * h2_p
h2 = mask[:, None] * h2 + (1. - mask)[:, None] * h1
return h2, ct, alpha.permute(2, 0, 1), alpha_past
# calculate probabilities
class Gru_prob(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, params):
super(Gru_prob, self).__init__()
self.fc_Wct = nn.Linear(params['D'], params['m'])
self.fc_Wht = nn.Linear(params['n'], params['m'])
self.fc_Wyt = nn.Linear(params['m'], params['m'])
self.dropout = nn.Dropout(p=0.2)
self.fc_W0 = nn.Linear(int(params['m'] / 2), params['K'])
def forward(self, cts, hts, emb, use_dropout):
logit = self.fc_Wct(cts) + self.fc_Wht(hts) + self.fc_Wyt(emb)
# maxout
shape = logit.shape
shape2 = int(shape[2] / 2)
shape3 = 2
logit = logit.view(shape[0], shape[1], shape2, shape3)
logit = logit.max(3)[0]
if use_dropout:
logit = self.dropout(logit)
out = self.fc_W0(logit)
return out