#include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace hex { constexpr static auto MetadataHeaderMagic = "HEX"; constexpr static auto MetadataPath = "IMHEX_METADATA"; std::vector ProjectFile::s_handlers; std::vector ProjectFile::s_providerHandlers; std::fs::path ProjectFile::s_currProjectPath; bool ProjectFile::load(const std::fs::path &filePath) { auto originalPath = ProjectFile::s_currProjectPath; ProjectFile::s_currProjectPath = filePath; auto resetPath = SCOPE_GUARD { ProjectFile::s_currProjectPath = originalPath; }; if (!wolv::io::fs::exists(filePath) || !wolv::io::fs::isRegularFile(filePath)) return false; if (filePath.extension() != ".hexproj") return false; Tar tar(filePath, Tar::Mode::Read); if (!tar.isValid()) return false; if (!tar.contains(MetadataPath)) return false; { const auto metadataContent = tar.readVector(MetadataPath); if (!std::string(metadataContent.begin(), metadataContent.end()).starts_with(MetadataHeaderMagic)) return false; } auto providers = auto(ImHexApi::Provider::getProviders()); for (const auto &provider : providers) { ImHexApi::Provider::remove(provider); } bool result = true; for (const auto &handler : ProjectFile::getHandlers()) { try { if (!handler.load(handler.basePath, tar)) { log::warn("Project file handler for {} failed to load {}", filePath.string(), handler.basePath.string()); result = false; } } catch (std::exception &e) { log::warn("Project file handler for {} failed to load {}: {}", filePath.string(), handler.basePath.string(), e.what()); result = false; } if (!result && handler.required) { return false; } } for (const auto &provider : ImHexApi::Provider::getProviders()) { const auto basePath = std::fs::path(std::to_string(provider->getID())); for (const auto &handler: ProjectFile::getProviderHandlers()) { try { if (!handler.load(provider, basePath / handler.basePath, tar)) result = false; } catch (std::exception &e) { log::info("{}", e.what()); result = false; } if (!result && handler.required) { return false; } } } resetPath.release(); EventManager::post(); EventManager::post(); return true; } bool ProjectFile::store(std::optional filePath) { auto originalPath = ProjectFile::s_currProjectPath; if (!filePath.has_value()) filePath = ProjectFile::s_currProjectPath; ProjectFile::s_currProjectPath = filePath.value(); auto resetPath = SCOPE_GUARD { ProjectFile::s_currProjectPath = originalPath; }; Tar tar(*filePath, Tar::Mode::Create); if (!tar.isValid()) return false; bool result = true; for (const auto &handler : ProjectFile::getHandlers()) { try { if (!handler.store(handler.basePath, tar) && handler.required) result = false; } catch (std::exception &e) { log::info("{}", e.what()); if (handler.required) result = false; } } for (const auto &provider : ImHexApi::Provider::getProviders()) { const auto basePath = std::fs::path(std::to_string(provider->getID())); for (const auto &handler: ProjectFile::getProviderHandlers()) { try { if (!handler.store(provider, basePath / handler.basePath, tar) && handler.required) result = false; } catch (std::exception &e) { log::info("{}", e.what()); if (handler.required) result = false; } } } { const auto metadataContent = hex::format("{}\n{}", MetadataHeaderMagic, IMHEX_VERSION); tar.writeString(MetadataPath, metadataContent); } ImHexApi::Provider::resetDirty(); resetPath.release(); return result; } bool ProjectFile::hasPath() { return !ProjectFile::s_currProjectPath.empty(); } void ProjectFile::clearPath() { ProjectFile::s_currProjectPath.clear(); } std::fs::path ProjectFile::getPath() { return ProjectFile::s_currProjectPath; } void ProjectFile::setPath(const std::fs::path &path) { ProjectFile::s_currProjectPath = path; } }