#include #include #include #include #include namespace hex::pl { std::optional Preprocessor::preprocess(const std::string &code, bool initialRun) { u32 offset = 0; u32 lineNumber = 1; bool isInString = false; if (initialRun) { this->m_defines.clear(); this->m_pragmas.clear(); } std::string output; output.reserve(code.length()); try { bool startOfLine = true; while (offset < code.length()) { if (offset > 0 && code[offset - 1] != '\\' && code[offset] == '\"') isInString = !isInString; else if (isInString) { output += code[offset]; offset += 1; continue; } if (code[offset] == '#' && startOfLine) { offset += 1; if (code.substr(offset, 7) == "include") { offset += 7; while (std::isblank(code[offset]) || std::isspace(code[offset])) offset += 1; if (code[offset] != '<' && code[offset] != '"') throwPreprocessorError("expected '<' or '\"' before file name", lineNumber); char endChar = code[offset]; if (endChar == '<') endChar = '>'; offset += 1; std::string includeFile; while (code[offset] != endChar) { includeFile += code[offset]; offset += 1; if (offset >= code.length()) throwPreprocessorError(hex::format("missing terminating '{0}' character", endChar), lineNumber); } offset += 1; fs::path includePath = includeFile; if (includeFile[0] != '/') { for (const auto &dir : hex::getPath(ImHexPath::PatternsInclude)) { fs::path tempPath = dir / includePath; if (fs::exists(tempPath)) { includePath = tempPath; break; } } } File file(includePath, File::Mode::Read); if (!file.isValid()) { if (includePath.parent_path().filename().string() == "std") throwPreprocessorError(hex::format("{0}: No such file or directory.\n\nThis file might be part of the standard library.\nYou can install the standard library though\nthe Content Store found under Help -> Content Store.", includeFile.c_str()), lineNumber); else throwPreprocessorError(hex::format("{0}: No such file or directory", includeFile.c_str()), lineNumber); } bool shouldInclude = true; this->addPragmaHandler("once", [&, includePath, this](const std::string &value) { auto [iter, added] = this->m_onceIncludedFiles.insert(includePath); if (!added) shouldInclude = false; return value.empty(); }); auto preprocessedInclude = this->preprocess(file.readString(), false); if (!preprocessedInclude.has_value()) throw this->m_error; if (shouldInclude) { auto content = preprocessedInclude.value(); std::replace(content.begin(), content.end(), '\n', ' '); std::replace(content.begin(), content.end(), '\r', ' '); output += content; } } else if (code.substr(offset, 6) == "define") { offset += 6; while (std::isblank(code[offset])) { offset += 1; } std::string defineName; while (!std::isblank(code[offset])) { defineName += code[offset]; if (offset >= code.length() || code[offset] == '\n' || code[offset] == '\r') throwPreprocessorError("no value given in #define directive", lineNumber); offset += 1; } while (std::isblank(code[offset])) { offset += 1; if (offset >= code.length()) throwPreprocessorError("no value given in #define directive", lineNumber); } std::string replaceValue; while (code[offset] != '\n' && code[offset] != '\r') { if (offset >= code.length()) throwPreprocessorError("missing new line after #define directive", lineNumber); replaceValue += code[offset]; offset += 1; } if (replaceValue.empty()) throwPreprocessorError("no value given in #define directive", lineNumber); this->m_defines.emplace(defineName, replaceValue, lineNumber); } else if (code.substr(offset, 6) == "pragma") { offset += 6; while (std::isblank(code[offset])) { offset += 1; if (code[offset] == '\n' || code[offset] == '\r') throwPreprocessorError("no instruction given in #pragma directive", lineNumber); } std::string pragmaKey; while (!std::isblank(code[offset]) && code[offset] != '\n' && code[offset] != '\r') { pragmaKey += code[offset]; if (offset >= code.length()) throwPreprocessorError("no instruction given in #pragma directive", lineNumber); offset += 1; } while (std::isblank(code[offset])) offset += 1; std::string pragmaValue; while (code[offset] != '\n' && code[offset] != '\r') { if (offset >= code.length()) throwPreprocessorError("missing new line after #pragma directive", lineNumber); pragmaValue += code[offset]; offset += 1; } this->m_pragmas.emplace(pragmaKey, pragmaValue, lineNumber); } else throwPreprocessorError("unknown preprocessor directive", lineNumber); } else if (code.substr(offset, 2) == "//") { while (code[offset] != '\n' && offset < code.length()) offset += 1; } else if (code.substr(offset, 2) == "/*") { while (code.substr(offset, 2) != "*/" && offset < code.length()) { if (code[offset] == '\n') { output += '\n'; lineNumber++; } offset += 1; } offset += 2; if (offset >= code.length()) throwPreprocessorError("unterminated comment", lineNumber - 1); } if (code[offset] == '\n') { lineNumber++; startOfLine = true; } else if (!std::isspace(code[offset])) startOfLine = false; output += code[offset]; offset += 1; } if (initialRun) { // Apply defines std::vector> sortedDefines; std::copy(this->m_defines.begin(), this->m_defines.end(), std::back_inserter(sortedDefines)); std::sort(sortedDefines.begin(), sortedDefines.end(), [](const auto &left, const auto &right) { return std::get<0>(left).size() > std::get<0>(right).size(); }); for (const auto &[define, value, defineLine] : sortedDefines) { i32 index = 0; while ((index = output.find(define, index)) != std::string::npos) { output.replace(index, define.length(), value); index += value.length(); } } // Handle pragmas for (const auto &[type, value, pragmaLine] : this->m_pragmas) { if (this->m_pragmaHandlers.contains(type)) { if (!this->m_pragmaHandlers[type](value)) throwPreprocessorError(hex::format("invalid value provided to '{0}' #pragma directive", type.c_str()), pragmaLine); } else throwPreprocessorError(hex::format("no #pragma handler registered for type {0}", type.c_str()), pragmaLine); } } } catch (PatternLanguageError &e) { this->m_error = e; return std::nullopt; } return output; } void Preprocessor::addPragmaHandler(const std::string &pragmaType, const std::function &function) { this->m_pragmaHandlers[pragmaType] = function; } void Preprocessor::addDefaultPragmaHandlers() { this->addPragmaHandler("MIME", [](const std::string &value) { return !std::all_of(value.begin(), value.end(), isspace) && !value.ends_with('\n') && !value.ends_with('\r'); }); this->addPragmaHandler("endian", [](const std::string &value) { return value == "big" || value == "little" || value == "native"; }); this->addPragmaHandler("once", [](const std::string &value) { return value.empty(); }); } }