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* Modified Dec 23 2021 by Cris Stringfellow
* fuzzy.js v0.1.0
* (c) 2016 Ben Ripkens
* @license: MIT
* Whether or not fuzzy.js should analyze sub-terms, i.e. also
* check term starting positions != 0.
* Example:
* Given the term 'Halleluja' and query 'luja'
* Fuzzy.js scores this combination with an 8, when analyzeSubTerms is
* set to false, as the following matching string will be calculated:
* Ha[l]lel[uja]
* If you activate sub temr analysis though, the query will reach a score
* of 10, as the matching string looks as following:
* Halle[luja]
* Naturally, the second version is more expensive than the first one.
* You should therefore configure how many sub terms you which to analyse.
* This can be configured through fuzzy.analyzeSubTermDepth = 10.
fuzzy.analyzeSubTerms = false;
* How many sub terms should be analyzed.
fuzzy.analyzeSubTermDepth = 10;
fuzzy.highlighting = {
before: '<em>',
after: '</em>'
fuzzy.matchComparator = function matchComparator(m1, m2) {
return (m2.score - m1.score != 0) ? m2.score - m1.score : m1.term.length - m2.term.length;
export default function fuzzy(term, query) {
var max = calcFuzzyScore(term, query);
var termLength = term.length;
if (fuzzy.analyzeSubTerms) {
for (var i = 1; i < termLength && i < fuzzy.analyzeSubTermDepth; i++) {
var subTerm = term.substring(i);
var score = calcFuzzyScore(subTerm, query);
if (score.score > max.score) {
// we need to correct 'term' and 'matchedTerm', as calcFuzzyScore
// does not now that it operates on a substring. Doing it only for
// new maximum score to save some performance.
score.term = term;
score.highlightedTerm = term.substring(0, i) + score.highlightedTerm;
max = score;
return max;
function calcFuzzyScore(term, query) {
var score = 0;
var termLength = term.length;
var queryLength = query.length;
var highlighting = '';
var ti = 0;
// -1 would not work as this would break the calculations of bonus
// points for subsequent character matches. Something like
// Number.MIN_VALUE would be more appropriate, but unfortunately
// Number.MIN_VALUE + 1 equals 1...
var previousMatchingCharacter = -2;
for (var qi = 0; qi < queryLength && ti < termLength; qi++) {
var qc = query.charAt(qi);
var lowerQc = qc.toLowerCase();
for (; ti < termLength; ti++) {
var tc = term.charAt(ti);
if (lowerQc === tc.toLowerCase()) {
if ((previousMatchingCharacter + 1) === ti) {
score += 5;
highlighting += fuzzy.highlighting.before +
tc +
previousMatchingCharacter = ti;
} else {
highlighting += tc;
highlighting += term.substring(ti, term.length);
return {
score: score,
term: term,
query: query,
highlightedTerm: highlighting