import fs from 'fs'; import path from 'path'; import express from 'express'; import args from './args.js'; import {say, sleep, APP_ROOT} from './common.js'; import Archivist from './archivist.js'; const SITE_PATH = path.resolve(APP_ROOT, 'public'); const app = express(); const INDEX_FILE = args.index_file; let Server, upAt, port; const LibraryServer = { start, stop } export default LibraryServer; async function start({server_port}) { port = server_port; addHandlers(); Server = app.listen(Number(port), err => { if ( err ) { throw err; } upAt = new Date; say({server_up:{upAt,port}}); }); } function addHandlers() { const {chrome_port} = args; app.use(express.urlencoded({extended:true})); app.use(express.static(SITE_PATH)); if ( !! args.library_path() ) { app.use("/library", express.static(args.library_path())) } app.get('/search', async (req, res) => { res.end('Not implemented yet'); }); app.get('/mode', async (req, res) => { res.end(Archivist.getMode()); }); app.get('/archive_index.html', async (req, res) => { const index = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(INDEX_FILE())); res.end(IndexView(index)); });'/mode', async (req, res) => { const {mode} = req.body; await Archivist.changeMode(mode); res.end(`Mode set to ${mode}`); }); app.get('/base_path', async (req, res) => { res.end(args.getBasePath()); });'/base_path', async (req, res) => { const {base_path} = req.body; const change = args.updateBasePath(base_path); if ( change ) { Archivist.handlePathChanged(); Server.close(async () => { console.log(`Server closed.`); console.log(`Waiting 1 second...`); await sleep(1000); await start({server_port:port}); console.log(`Server restarted.`); }); res.end(`Base path set to ${base_path} and saved to preferences. Server restarting...`); } else { res.end(`Base path not changed.`); } }); } async function stop() { let resolve; const pr = new Promise(res => resolve = res); console.log(`Closing library server...`); Server.close(() => { console.log(`Library server closed.`); resolve(); }); return pr; } function IndexView(urls) { return ` Your HTML Library


Internet Offline Library

Archive Index

` }