import hasha from 'hasha'; import {URL} from 'url'; import path from 'path'; import fs from 'fs'; import args from './args.js'; import {APP_ROOT, context, sleep, DEBUG} from './common.js'; import {connect} from './protocol.js'; import {getInjection} from './public/injection.js'; import {BLOCKED_BODY, BLOCKED_CODE, BLOCKED_HEADERS} from './blockedResponse.js'; //import xapian from 'xapian'; // cache is a simple map // that holds the serialized requests // that are saved on disk let Fs, Mode, Close; const Cache = new Map(); const State = { Cache, SavedCacheFilePath: null, SavedIndexFilePath: null, saver: null, indexSaver: null } const IGNORE_NODES = new Set([ 'script', 'style', 'noscript', 'datalist' ]); const TextNode = 3; const AttributeNode = 2; const Archivist = { collect, getMode, changeMode, shutdown, handlePathChanged } const BODYLESS = new Set([ 301, 302, 303, 307 ]); const NEVER_CACHE = new Set([ `http://localhost:${args.server_port}`, `http://localhost:${args.chrome_port}` ]); const SORT_URLS = ([urlA],[urlB]) => urlA < urlB ? -1 : 1; const CACHE_FILE = args.cache_file; const INDEX_FILE = args.index_file; const NO_FILE = args.no_file; const TBL = /:\/\//g; const HASH_OPTS = {algorithm: 'sha1'}; const UNCACHED_BODY = b64('We have not saved this data'); const UNCACHED_CODE = 404; const UNCACHED_HEADERS = [ { name: 'Content-type', value: 'text/plain' }, { name: 'Content-length', value: '26' } ]; const UNCACHED = { body:UNCACHED_BODY, responseCode:UNCACHED_CODE, responseHeaders:UNCACHED_HEADERS } export default Archivist; async function collect({chrome_port:port, mode} = {}) { if ( context == 'node' ) { const {default:fs} = await import('fs'); Fs = fs; } const {library_path} = args; const {send, on, close} = await connect({port}); const Sessions = new Map(); const Installations = new Set(); const ConfirmedInstalls = new Set(); const DELAY = 100; // 500 ? Close = close; Mode = mode; let requestStage; loadFiles(); clearSavers(); if ( Mode == 'save' ) { requestStage = "Response"; // in case we get a updateBasePath call before an interval // and we don't clear it in time, leading us to erroneously save the old // cache to the new path, we always used our saved copy State.saver = setInterval(() => saveCache(State.SavedCacheFilePath), 10000); State.indexSaver = setInterval(() => saveIndex(State.SavedIndexFilePath), 10001); } else if ( Mode == 'serve' ) { requestStage = "Request"; } else { throw new TypeError(`Must specify mode`); } on("Target.targetInfoChanged", indexURL); on("Target.targetInfoChanged", reloadIfNotLive); on("Target.targetInfoChanged", attachToTarget); on("Target.attachedToTarget", guard(installForSession, 'attached')); on("Fetch.requestPaused", cacheRequest); on("Runtime.consoleAPICalled", confirmInstall); await send("Fetch.enable", { patterns: [ { urlPattern: "http*://*", requestStage } ] }); await send("Network.setCacheDisabled", {cacheDisabled:true}); await send("Network.setBypassServiceWorker", {bypass:true}); await send("Target.setDiscoverTargets", {discover:true}); await send("Target.setAutoAttach", {autoAttach:false, waitForDebuggerOnStart:false, flatten: true}); const {targetInfos:targets} = await send("Target.getTargets", {}); const pageTargets = targets.filter(({type}) => type == 'page'); pageTargets.forEach(attachToTarget); function guard(func, text = '') { return (...args) => { //DEBUG && console.log({text,, args:JSON.stringify(args,null,2)}); return func(...args); }; } function confirmInstall(args) { const {type, args:[{value:strVal}], context} = args; if ( type == 'info' ) { try { const val = JSON.parse(strVal); const {installed:{sessionId}} = val; if ( ! ConfirmedInstalls.has(sessionId) ) { ConfirmedInstalls.add(sessionId); console.log({confirmedInstall:val, context}); } } finally {} } } async function reloadIfNotLive({targetInfo}) { if ( Mode == 'serve' ) return; const {attached, type} = targetInfo; if ( attached && type == 'page' ) { const {url, targetId} = targetInfo; const sessionId = Sessions.get(targetId); if ( !!url && url != "about:blank" && !url.startsWith('chrome') && !ConfirmedInstalls.has(sessionId) ) { console.log({reloadingAsNotConfirmedInstalled:{url, sessionId}}); send("Page.stopLoading", {}, sessionId); send("Page.reload", {}, sessionId); } } } async function installForSession({sessionId, targetInfo, waitingForDebugger}) { const {targetId, url} = targetInfo; if ( targetInfo.type != 'page' ) return; if ( Mode == 'serve' ) return; indexURL({targetInfo}); if ( ! Installations.has(targetId) ) { if ( sessionId ) { Sessions.set(targetId, sessionId); } else { sessionId = Sessions.get(targetId); } if ( sessionId && Mode == 'save' ) { send("Network.setCacheDisabled", {cacheDisabled:true}, sessionId); send("Network.setBypassServiceWorker", {bypass:true}, sessionId); await send("Runtime.enable", {}, sessionId); await send("Page.enable", {}, sessionId); await send("Page.addScriptToEvaluateOnNewDocument", { source: getInjection({sessionId}), worldName: "Context-22120-Indexing" }, sessionId); DEBUG && console.log("Just request install", targetId, url); } Installations.add(targetId); } else if ( ConfirmedInstalls.has(sessionId) ) { DEBUG && console.log("Already confirmed install", targetId, url); } } async function indexURL({targetInfo:info = {}} = {}) { if ( Mode == 'serve' ) return; if ( info.type != 'page' ) return; if ( ! info.url || info.url == 'about:blank' ) return; if ( info.url.startsWith('chrome') ) return; if ( dontCache(info) ) return; State.Index.set(info.url, info.title); if ( Installations.has(info.targetId) ) { const sessionId = Sessions.get(info.targetId); send("DOM.enable", {}, sessionId); await sleep(5000); const {nodes:pageNodes} = await send("DOM.getFlattenedDocument", { depth: -1, pierce: true }, sessionId); // we collect TextNodes, ignoring any under script, style or an attribute const ignoredParentIds = new Set( pageNodes.filter( ({localName,nodeType}) => IGNORE_NODES.has(localName) || nodeType == AttributeNode ).map(({nodeId}) => nodeId) ); const pageText = pageNodes.filter( ({nodeType,parentId}) => nodeType == TextNode && ! ignoredParentIds.has(parentId) ).reduce( (Text, {nodeValue}) => Text + nodeValue + ' ', '' ); if ( false ) { console.log({ page : { url: info.url, title: info.title, text: pageText } }); } } console.log(`Indexed ${info.url} to ${info.title}`); } async function attachToTarget(targetInfo) { if ( dontCache(targetInfo) ) return; const {url} = targetInfo; if ( !!url && url != "about:blank" && !url.startsWith('chrome') ) { if ( targetInfo.type == 'page' && ! targetInfo.attached ) { const {sessionId} = await send("Target.attachToTarget", { targetId: targetInfo.targetId, flatten: true }); Sessions.set(targetInfo.targetId, sessionId); } } } async function cacheRequest(pausedRequest) { const { requestId, request, resourceType, responseStatusCode, responseHeaders, responseErrorReason } = pausedRequest; const {url} = request; const isNavigationRequest = resourceType == "Document"; const isFont = resourceType == "Font"; if ( dontCache(request) ) { DEBUG && console.log("Not caching", request.url); return send("Fetch.continueRequest", {requestId}); } const key = serializeRequest(request); if ( Mode == 'serve' ) { if ( State.Cache.has(key) ) { let {body, responseCode, responseHeaders} = await getResponseData(State.Cache.get(key)); responseCode = responseCode || 200; //DEBUG && console.log("Fulfilling", key, responseCode, responseHeaders, body.slice(0,140)); DEBUG && console.log("Fulfilling", key, responseCode, body.slice(0,140)); await send("Fetch.fulfillRequest", { requestId, body, responseCode, responseHeaders }); } else { DEBUG && console.log("Sending cache stub", key); await send("Fetch.fulfillRequest", { requestId, ...UNCACHED }); } } else if ( Mode == 'save' ) { const response = {key, responseCode: responseStatusCode, responseHeaders}; const resp = await getBody({requestId, responseStatusCode}); if ( !! resp ) { let {body, base64Encoded} = resp; if ( ! base64Encoded ) { body = b64(body); } response.body = body; const responsePath = await saveResponseData(key, request.url, response); State.Cache.set(key, responsePath); } else { DEBUG && console.warn("get response body error", key, responseStatusCode, responseHeaders, pausedRequest.responseErrorReason); response.body = ''; } await sleep(DELAY); if ( !isFont && responseErrorReason ) { if ( isNavigationRequest ) { await send("Fetch.fulfillRequest", { requestId, responseHeaders: BLOCKED_HEADERS, responseCode: BLOCKED_CODE, body: Buffer.from(responseErrorReason).toString("base64"), }, ); } else { await send("Fetch.failRequest", { requestId, errorReason: responseErrorReason }, ); } } else { try { await send("Fetch.continueRequest", { requestId, }, ); } catch(e) { console.warn("Issue with continuing request", e, message); } } } } async function getBody({requestId, responseStatusCode}) { let resp; if ( ! BODYLESS.has(responseStatusCode) ) { resp = await send("Fetch.getResponseBody", {requestId}); } else { resp = {body:'', base64Encoded:true}; } return resp; } function dontCache(request) { if ( ! request.url ) return false; const url = new URL(request.url); return NEVER_CACHE.has(url.origin) || (State.No && State.No.test(; } async function getResponseData(path) { try { return JSON.parse(await Fs.promises.readFile(path)); } catch(e) { console.warn(`Error with ${path}`, e); return UNCACHED; } } async function saveResponseData(key, url, response) { const origin = (new URL(url).origin); let originDir = State.Cache.get(origin); if ( ! originDir ) { originDir = path.resolve(library_path(), origin.replace(TBL, '_')); try { await Fs.promises.mkdir(originDir, {recursive:true}); } catch(e) { console.warn(`Issue with origin directory ${path.dirname(responsePath)}`, e); } State.Cache.set(origin, originDir); } const fileName = `${await hasha(key, HASH_OPTS)}.json`; const responsePath = path.resolve(originDir, fileName); await Fs.promises.writeFile(responsePath, JSON.stringify(response,null,2)); return responsePath; } function serializeRequest(request) { const {url, urlFragment, method, headers, postData, hasPostData} = request; /** let sortedHeaders = ''; for( const key of Object.keys(headers).sort() ) { sortedHeaders += `${key}:${headers[key]}/`; } **/ return `${method}${url}`; //return `${url}${urlFragment}:${method}:${sortedHeaders}:${postData}:${hasPostData}`; } } function clearSavers() { if ( State.saver ) { clearInterval(State.saver); State.saver = null; } if ( State.indexSaver ) { clearInterval(State.indexSaver); State.indexSaver = null; } } function loadFiles() { try { State.Cache = new Map(JSON.parse(Fs.readFileSync(CACHE_FILE()))); State.Index = new Map(JSON.parse(Fs.readFileSync(INDEX_FILE()))); State.SavedCacheFilePath = CACHE_FILE(); State.SavedIndexFilePath = INDEX_FILE(); DEBUG && console.log(`Loaded cache key file ${CACHE_FILE()}`); DEBUG && console.log(`Loaded index file ${INDEX_FILE()}`); } catch(e) { DEBUG && console.warn('Error reading file', e); State.Cache = new Map(); State.Index = new Map(); } try { if ( !Fs.existsSync(NO_FILE()) ) { DEBUG && console.log(`The 'No file' (${NO_FILE()}) does not exist, ignoring...`); State.No = null; } else { State.No = new RegExp(JSON.parse(Fs.readFileSync(NO_FILE)) .join('|') .replace(/\./g, '\\.') .replace(/\*/g, '.*') .replace(/\?/g, '.?') ); } } catch(e) { DEBUG && console.warn('Error compiling regex from No file', e); State.No = null; } } function getMode() { return Mode; } async function changeMode(mode) { DEBUG && console.log({modeChange:mode}); clearSavers(); saveCache(); saveIndex(); Close && Close(); Mode = mode; await collect({chrome_port:args.chrome_port, mode}); } function handlePathChanged() { DEBUG && console.log({libraryPathChange:args.library_path()}); clearSavers(); // saves the old cache path saveCache(State.SavedCacheFilePath); saveIndex(State.SavedIndexFilePath); // reloads from new path and updates Saved FilePaths loadFiles(); } function saveCache(path) { if ( context == 'node' ) { //DEBUG && console.log("Writing to", path || CACHE_FILE()); Fs.writeFileSync(path || CACHE_FILE(), JSON.stringify([...State.Cache.entries()],null,2)); } } function saveIndex(path) { if ( context == 'node' ) { //DEBUG && console.log("Writing to", path || INDEX_FILE()); //DEBUG && console.log([...State.Index.entries()].sort(SORT_URLS)); Fs.writeFileSync( path || INDEX_FILE(), JSON.stringify([...State.Index.entries()].sort(SORT_URLS),null,2) ); } } function shutdown() { DEBUG && console.log(`Archivist shutting down...`); saveCache(); Close && Close(); DEBUG && console.log(`Archivist shut down.`); } function b64(s) { if ( context == 'node' ) { return Buffer.from(s).toString('base64'); } else { return btoa(s); } }