import {DEBUG, context, sleep, NO_SANDBOX} from './common.js'; import Archivist from './archivist.js'; import LibraryServer from './libraryServer.js'; import args from './args.js'; const {server_port, mode, chrome_port} = args; const CHROME_OPTS = !NO_SANDBOX ? [ '--restore-last-session', `--disk-cache-dir=${args.temp_browser_cache()}`, `--aggressive-cache-discard` ] : [ '--restore-last-session', `--disk-cache-dir=${args.temp_browser_cache()}`, `--aggressive-cache-discard`, '--no-sandbox' ]; const LAUNCH_OPTS = { logLevel: DEBUG ? 'verbose' : 'silent', port: chrome_port, chromeFlags:CHROME_OPTS, userDataDir:false, startingUrl: `http://localhost:${args.server_port}`, ignoreDefaultFlags: true } const KILL_ON = { win32: 'taskkill /IM chrome.exe /F', darwin: 'pkill -15 chrome', freebsd: 'pkill -15 chrome', linux: 'pkill -15 chrome', }; let quitting, ChildProcess; start(); async function start() { if ( context == 'node' ) { console.log(`Running in node...`); process.on('beforeExit', cleanup); process.on('SIGBREAK', cleanup); process.on('SIGHUP', cleanup); process.on('SIGINT', cleanup); process.on('SIGTERM', cleanup); console.log(`Importing dependencies...`); const fs = await import('fs'); const {launch:ChromeLaunch} = await import('chrome-launcher'); await killChrome(); console.log(`Removing 22120's existing temporary browser cache if it exists...`); if ( fs.existsSync(args.temp_browser_cache()) ) { console.log(`Temp browser cache directory (${args.temp_browser_cache()}) exists, deleting...`); fs.rmdirSync(args.temp_browser_cache(), {recursive:true}); console.log(`Deleted.`); } console.log(`Launching library server...`); await LibraryServer.start({server_port}); console.log(`Library server started.`); console.log(`Waiting 1 second...`); await sleep(1000); console.log(`Launching chrome...`); try { await ChromeLaunch(LAUNCH_OPTS); } catch(e) { console.log(`Could not launch chrome.`); DEBUG &&'Chrome launch error:', e); process.exit(1); } console.log(`Chrome started.`); console.log(`Waiting 1 second...`); await sleep(1000); } console.log(`Launching archivist and connecting to browser...`); await Archivist.collect({chrome_port, mode}); console.log(`System ready.`); } async function killChrome(wait = true) { try { if ( process.platform in KILL_ON ) { console.log(`Attempting to shut running chrome...`); if ( ! ChildProcess ) { const {default:child_process} = await import('child_process'); ChildProcess = child_process; } const [err, stdout, stderr] = (await new Promise( res => ChildProcess.exec(KILL_ON[process.platform], (...a) => res(a)) )); if ( err ) { console.log(`There was no running chrome.`); //DEBUG && console.warn("Error closing existing chrome", err); } else { console.log(`Running chrome shut down.`); if ( wait ) { console.log(`Waiting 1 second...`); await sleep(1000); } } } else { console.warn(`If you have chrome running, you may need to shut it down manually and restart 22120.`); } } catch(e) { console.warn("in kill chrome", e); } } async function cleanup(reason) { console.log(`Cleanup called on reason: ${reason}`); if ( quitting ) { console.log(`Cleanup already called so not running again.`); return; } quitting = true; Archivist.shutdown(); LibraryServer.stop(); killChrome(false); console.log(`Take a breath. Everything's done. 22120 is exiting in 3 seconds...`); await sleep(3000); process.exit(0); }