Windows progress

This commit is contained in:
Cris Stringfellow 2024-08-29 14:29:03 +00:00
parent fd00b56f12
commit 24c98d6656
No known key found for this signature in database
3 changed files with 9 additions and 110 deletions

View File

@ -29,10 +29,16 @@ echo "#!/usr/bin/env node" > build/global/downloadnet.cjs
cat build/cjs/dn.cjs >> build/global/downloadnet.cjs
chmod +x build/global/downloadnet.cjs
if [[ "$OSTYPE" == darwin* ]]; then
echo "Using macOS builder..." >&2
./stampers/ dn build/cjs/dn.cjs build/bin/
elif [[ "$OSTYPE" == win* ]]; then
./stampers/ dn build/cjs/dn.cjs build/bin/
elif [[ "$(node.exe -p process.platform)" == win* ]]; then
echo "Using windows builder..." >&2
./stampers/win.bat dn build/cjs/dn.cjs build/bin/
echo "Using linux builder..." >&2
./stampers/ dn build/cjs/dn.cjs build/bin/
echo "Done"
read -p "Any key to exit"

View File

@ -15,9 +15,6 @@ set "OUTPUT_FOLDER=%~3"
:: Ensure output folder exists
if not exist "%OUTPUT_FOLDER%" mkdir "%OUTPUT_FOLDER%"
:: Create a JavaScript file
echo console.log(`Hello, %%argv[2]!`); > "%JS_SOURCE_FILE%"
:: Create configuration file for SEA
echo {
@ -43,17 +40,13 @@ node --experimental-sea-config "%OUTPUT_FOLDER%\%SEA_CONFIG%"
node -e "require('fs').copyFileSync(process.execPath, '%OUTPUT_FOLDER%\%EXE_NAME%')"
:: Optionally, remove signature from the binary (use signtool if necessary, or skip this step)
:: signtool remove /s "%OUTPUT_FOLDER%\%EXE_NAME%"
signtool remove /s "%OUTPUT_FOLDER%\%EXE_NAME%"
:: Inject the blob into the copied binary
npx postject "%OUTPUT_FOLDER%\%EXE_NAME%" NODE_SEA_BLOB sea-prep.blob ^
--sentinel-fuse %NODE_SEA_FUSE%
:: Clean up
del sea-prep.blob
echo Application built successfully.

View File

@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
# Validate parameters
if (-not $exeName) {
Write-Error "Executable name is required."
exit 1
if (-not $jsSourceFile) {
Write-Error "JavaScript source file path is required."
exit 1
if (-not $outputFolder) {
Write-Error "Output folder is required."
exit 1
# Ensure NVM is installed
if (-not (Get-Command nvm -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) {
Write-Output "NVM not found. Installing..."
Invoke-WebRequest -OutFile nvm-setup.exe
Start-Process -Wait -FilePath nvm-setup.exe
Remove-Item nvm-setup.exe
# Use Node 22
nvm install 22
nvm use 22
# Create sea-config.json
$seaConfigContent = @"
"main": "$jsSourceFile",
"output": "sea-prep.blob",
"disableExperimentalSEAWarning": true,
"useCodeCache": true,
"assets": {
"index.html": "public/index.html",
"favicon.ico": "public/favicon.ico",
"top.html": "public/top.html",
"style.css": "public/style.css",
"injection.js": "public/injection.js",
"redirector.html": "public/redirector.html"
$seaConfigContent | Out-File sea-config.json
# Generate the blob
try {
node --experimental-sea-config sea-config.json
} catch {
Write-Error "Failed to generate the blob: $_"
exit 1
# Copy node binary
try {
node -e "require('fs').copyFileSync(process.execPath, '$exeName.exe')"
} catch {
Write-Error "Failed to copy node binary: $_"
exit 1
# Optionally remove the signature of the binary
signtool remove /s "$exeName.exe"
# Inject the blob
try {
npx postject "$exeName.exe" NODE_SEA_BLOB sea-prep.blob `
--sentinel-fuse NODE_SEA_FUSE_fce680ab2cc467b6e072b8b5df1996b2
} catch {
Write-Error "Failed to inject the blob: $_"
exit 1
# Optionally sign the binary
signtool sign /fd SHA256 "$exeName.exe"
# Move the executable to the output folder
try {
Move-Item -Path "$exeName.exe" -Destination (Join-Path -Path $outputFolder -ChildPath "$exeName.exe")
} catch {
Write-Error "Failed to move the executable: $_"
exit 1
# Clean up
try {
Remove-Item sea-config.json, sea-prep.blob
} catch {
Write-Error "Failed to clean up: $_"
exit 1
Write-Output "Process completed successfully."