// noinspection NpmUsedModulesInstalled import Vue from 'vue' // noinspection NpmUsedModulesInstalled import Vuex from 'vuex' import axios from 'axios' Vue.use(Vuex) let started = false const log = (message) => { console.log(`[${(new Date()).toLocaleTimeString()}]: ${message}`) } const store = new Vuex.Store({ state: { releaseFansub: '', releaseQuality: '', releases: [], releasesUpdateTime: (new Date()).toLocaleTimeString(), errorSnackbar: { show: false, text: '' }, downloaderList: [], downloaderForm: { name: '', fromEp: '', untilEp: '', quality: '', loading: false }, downloaderModal: { show: false, title: '', text: '' }, seasons: [], seasonsStats: {}, year: 2017, season: 'spring', news: [], inside: true, localFiles: [], watchLists: { watchList: [], watching: [], seen: [] }, config: {}, configDir: '', currentDir: '', searchInputModal: false, searchInput: '', searchInfo: {}, history: {}, historyModal: false }, mutations: { init (state, data) { const config = data config.inside = config.inside.toString() // config file looks like this // const config = { // fansub: 'HorribleSubs', // quality: '720p', // sound: 'Nyanpasu', // localPath: join(userInfo().homedir, 'Downloads'), // inside: true, // magnets: false // } state.releaseFansub = config.fansub state.releaseQuality = config.quality state.downloaderForm.quality = config.quality state.configDir = config.localPath state.currentDir = config.localPath state.config = config }, setDownloaderList (state, data) { state.downloaderList = data log(`${data.length} anime name loaded.`) }, setErrorSnackbar (state, data) { state.errorSnackbar.text = data state.errorSnackbar.show = true }, setCurrentSeason (state, data) { state.year = data.year state.season = data.season }, setSeasons: function (state, data) { state.seasons = data.info state.seasonsStats = data.stats log(`Seasons set.`) }, emptySeasons: function (state) { state.seasons = [] }, emptyReleases: function (state) { state.releases = [] }, setReleases: function (state, data) { state.releases = data log(`Releases updated.`) }, emptyNews: function (state) { state.news = [] }, setNews: function (state, data) { state.news = data log(`News updated.`) }, emptyLocals: function (state) { state.localFiles = [] }, setLocalFiles: function (state, data) { state.localFiles = data log(`Local files updated.`) }, setCurrentDir: function (state, data) { state.currentDir = data log(`Current directory now is ${state.currentDir}.`) }, setWatchLists: function (state, data) { state.watchLists = data log('Updated watch lists.') }, setConfigDir: function (state, data) { state.configDir = data log(`Config directory now is ${state.currentDir}`) }, setDownloaderValues: function (state, data) { state.downloaderForm = data }, setQuality: function (state, quality) { state.downloaderForm.quality = quality }, setDownloaderModal: function (state, data) { state.downloaderModal = data }, showDownloaderModal: function (state, value) { state.downloaderModal.show = value }, setConfig: function (state, data) { state.config = data }, setHistory: function (state, data) { state.history = data log(`History updated.`) }, setHistoryModal: function (state, data) { state.historyModal = data }, setReleasesUpdateTime (state, data) { state.releasesUpdateTime = data }, updateList (state, data) { const listName = data.listName const entry = data.entry if (!state.watchLists[listName.includes(entry)]) { state.watchLists[listName].push(entry) state.watchLists[listName].sort() log(`${listName} list updated.`) } } }, actions: { async init ({commit, dispatch}) { if (!started) { started = true console.log('[SERVER INIT]') const {data} = await axios.get('getConfig.json') commit('init', data.config) dispatch('downloaderInit').catch(err => { void (err) }) dispatch('releasesInit').catch(err => { void (err) }) dispatch('seasonsInit').catch(err => { void (err) }) dispatch('newsInit').catch(err => { void (err) }) dispatch('localInit').catch(err => { void (err) }) dispatch('listInit').catch(err => { void (err) }) dispatch('getHistory').catch(err => { void (err) }) } }, async downloaderInit ({commit}) { const {data} = await axios.get('getAllShows.json') commit('setDownloaderList', data) }, async releasesInit ({state, commit, dispatch}) { console.log('[INIT] Releases') const {data, status} = await axios.get(`getLatest.json?quality=${state.releaseQuality}`) if (status === 200) commit('setReleases', data) else if (status === 204) { log(`An error occurred while getting the latest releases. Retrying in 30 seconds.`) commit('setErrorSnackbar', 'Could not get the latest releases. Retrying in 30 seconds.') setTimeout(function () { log(`Retrying to get latest releases.`) dispatch('refreshReleases').catch(err => { void (err) }) }, 30 * 1000) } }, async seasonsInit ({state, commit}) { console.log('[INIT] Seasons') const {data} = await axios.get(`seasons.json?year=${state.year}&season=${state.season}`) commit('setSeasons', data) }, async newsInit ({commit}) { console.log('[INIT] News') const {data} = await axios.get('news.json') commit('setNews', data) }, async localInit ({state, commit}) { console.log('[INIT] Local Files') const {data} = await axios.get(`local.json?dir=${state.currentDir}`) commit('setLocalFiles', data) }, async listInit ({commit}) { console.log('[INIT] Watch List') const {data} = await axios.get(`watchList.json?`) log(`Received watch lists.`) commit('setWatchLists', data) }, async refreshReleases ({state, commit, dispatch}) { log(`Refreshing Releases...`) commit('emptyReleases') const {data, status} = await axios.get(`getLatest.json?quality=${state.releaseQuality}`) if (status === 200) commit('setReleases', data) else if (status === 204) { log(`An error occurred while getting the latest releases. Retrying in 30 seconds.`) commit('setErrorSnackbar', 'Could not get the latest releases. Retrying in 30 seconds.') setTimeout(function () { log(`Retrying to get latest releases.`) dispatch('refreshReleases').catch(err => { void (err) }) }, 30 * 1000) } }, async refreshSeasons ({state, commit}) { log(`Refreshing Seasons...`) commit('emptySeasons') const year = state.year const season = state.season const {data} = await axios.get(`seasons.json?year=${year}&season=${season}`) commit('setSeasons', data) console.log('Seasons refreshed.') }, async refreshNews ({commit}) { log(`Refreshing News...`) commit('emptyNews') const {data} = await axios.get('news.json') commit('setNews', data) }, async refreshLocal ({commit, state}) { log(`Refreshing Local files...`) const {data} = await axios.get(`local.json?dir=${state.currentDir}`) commit('setLocalFiles', data) }, async resetLocal ({state}) { log(`Resetting local information...`) axios.get(`resetLocal?dir=${state.currentDir}`).then(() => { log(`Reset completed.`) }).catch((err) => { log('An error occurred while resetting.\n' + err) }) }, async changePath ({commit, dispatch}) { const {data} = await axios.get('openThis?type=dialog') commit('emptyLocals') commit('setCurrentDir', data.path) dispatch('refreshLocal') }, async changePathWithConfig ({commit, dispatch}) { const {data} = await axios.get('openThis?type=dialog') commit('emptyLocals') commit('setCurrentDir', data.path) commit('setConfigDir', data.path) dispatch('refreshLocal') }, async openNewsLink ({state}, link) { log(`Opening a link`) if ((state.config.inside === 'true') === false) await axios.get(`openThis?type=link&link=${link}`) else await axios.get(`openThis?type=insideLink&link=${link}`) }, async download ({state, commit}) { const name = state.downloaderForm.name.replace(' ', '_') const fromEp = state.downloaderForm.fromEp !== '' ? state.downloaderForm.fromEp : 0 const untilEp = state.downloaderForm.untilEp !== '' ? state.downloaderForm.untilEp : 20000 const quality = state.downloaderForm.quality const magnets = state.config.magnets log(`Received a request to download ${name} from ep ${fromEp} to ep ${untilEp}. Transmitting...`) const {data, status} = await axios.post('download', { name: name.replace('_', ' '), quality: quality, fromEp: fromEp, untilEp: untilEp }) state.downloaderForm.loading = false if (status === 200) { log(`Request fulfilled!`) if (magnets === true) { const lastEp = fromEp !== '1' ? +fromEp + +data.length : data.length log(`User says he prefers having magnets hashes.`) commit('setDownloaderModal', { show: true, title: `${name.replace('_', ' ')}\t ${fromEp} - ${lastEp}`, text: data }) } else { log(`Opening torrents directly on preferred torrent client.`) data.forEach((link) => { window.open(link) }) } } }, saveConfig ({}, data) { // eslint-disable-line axios.post('saveConfig', JSON.stringify(data)).then((res) => { if (res.status === 200) { log(`Successfully updated config!`) } }).catch((err) => { log(`An error occurred while saving config: ${err}`) }) }, appendHistory ({}, data) { // eslint-disable-line axios.post('appendHistory', JSON.stringify(data)).then(() => { log(`Successfully appended to history.`) }).catch((err) => { log(`An error occurred while appending to history... ${err}`) }) }, async getHistory ({commit}) { const {data, status} = await axios.get('getHistory?') if (status !== 200) { log(`An error occurred while gathering the history.`) } commit('setHistory', data) }, async openInBrowser () { const {data} = await axios.get('/_openInBrowser') log(`Opening KawAnime in browser at ${data.uri}.`) }, async saveWatchList ({state}) { axios.post('saveWatchList', JSON.stringify(state.watchLists)) } } }) store.dispatch('init').catch(err => { void (err) }) export default store