const fs = require('fs') const {join} = require('path') const _ = require('lodash') const randomString = require('randomstring') const {dir, Logger} = require('./utils') const logger = new Logger('Env') const BASE_PATH = require('os').homedir() // Initiating files and directory // Create the .KawAnime directory const createDir = () => { /* istanbul ignore next */ if (!fs.existsSync(dir)) fs.mkdirSync(dir) } const createConfig = () => { // Conf file const confPath = join(dir, 'config.json') const basicConf = { config: { fansub: 'HorribleSubs', quality: '720p', localPath: join(BASE_PATH, 'Downloads'), sound: 'Nyanpasu', inside: true, magnets: true, malUsername: '', system: { autoStart: false, toTray: false }, version: '0.0.0' } } /* istanbul ignore next */ if (!fs.existsSync(confPath)) {'No configuration file detected. Creating...') fs.writeFileSync(confPath, JSON.stringify(basicConf), 'utf-8') } else { // Checking if no key is missing. Careful, works only up to 2 levels inside config const currentConf = require(confPath) let changed = false _.each(basicConf.config, (elem, key) => { if (typeof currentConf.config[key] === 'undefined') { currentConf.config[key] = elem changed = true } }) changed && fs.writeFileSync(confPath, JSON.stringify(currentConf), 'utf-8') } } // Local file const createLocal = () => { const animeLocalPath = join(dir, 'locals.json') /* istanbul ignore next */ if (!fs.existsSync(animeLocalPath)) {'No anime local file detected. Creating...') fs.writeFileSync(animeLocalPath, '{}', 'utf-8') } } // List file const createList = () => { const listPath = join(dir, 'lists.json') /* istanbul ignore next */ if (!fs.existsSync(listPath)) {'No anime list file detected. Creating...') const basicLists = { watchList: [], seen: [], watching: [], dropped: [], onHold: [] } fs.writeFileSync(listPath, JSON.stringify(basicLists), 'utf-8') } } // History file const createHistory = () => { const historyPath = join(dir, 'history.json') /* istanbul ignore next */ if (!fs.existsSync(historyPath)) {'No watch history file detected. Creating...') fs.writeFileSync(historyPath, '{}', 'utf-8') } } const createToken = () => { const tokenPath = join(dir, '_token') /* istanbul ignore next */ if (!fs.existsSync(tokenPath)) {'No token file detected. Creating...') fs.writeFileSync(tokenPath, randomString.generate(40), 'utf-8') } } module.exports = function generateEnv () { createDir() createConfig() createLocal() createHistory() createList() createToken() }