# Features
Disclaimer : This is a software for otaku/anime-fans. Do not try if you're not prepared.
This software allows one to:
* Be aware of the latest anime release.
* Download an anime (from ep X to ep Y) via Torrent (one would need a torrent client atm). One can also only get a
list of torrent magnets to paste in a torrent client on a distant server.
* Get information from any anime (those come from myanimelist.net).
* Get anime-related news from MyAnimeList.net.
* Get seasonal releases information (from [www.livechart.me](https://www.livechart.me)).
* Manage your anime files (watch and delete on click)
* Manage watch lists.
* More features are to come.
## About OS
_KawAnime_ is completely cross-platform.
Yet, if you find any problem, you can tell me anytime in the `issues` section.
## Installation
Be sure that you have Npm installed. You can find how to install npm (node) [here](https://nodejs.org/en/).
git clone https://github.com/Kylart/KawAnime
cd KawAnime/
npm install
## Start
npm run build && npm start
npm run bstart
## Run in dev
##### Start all app
npm run dev
##### Lint
npm run lint
#### Testing
##### Server
npm run test:server
##### Front
npm run test:front
##### Full tests
npm run test
##### To know the number of line of code
npm run cloc
## Generating distributable apps
This feature uses [electron-builder](https://github.com/electron-userland/electron-builder).
You can find help to use it on your platform
#### For every OS
npm run build && npm run dist:all
#### For Mac OS only
npm run build && npm run dist:mac
#### For Linux platforms only
npm run build && npm run dist:linux
#### For Windows platforms
npm run build && npm run dist:win
Distributable will then be in the `dist` folder.
## Contributing
Any contribution is appreciated.
1. Fork it!
2. Create your feature branch: `git checkout -b my-new-feature`
3. Commit your changes: `git commit -am 'Add some feature'`
4. Push to the branch: `git push origin my-new-feature`
5. Submit a pull request.
## Thanks
This software is being developped with the following technologies, many thanks to
* [Electron](https://electron.atom.io)
* [Vuetify](https://vuetifyjs.com)
_It is still in development_.
## License
MIT License
Copyright (c) Kylart