#!/usr/bin/env python2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import print_function """stress.py: retr0chat stress tester""" __version__ = "0.9" __author__ = "ed " __credits__ = ["stackoverflow.com"] __license__ = "MIT" __copyright__ = 2018 # config # NUM_CLIENTS = 1 #NUM_CLIENTS = 4 CHANNELS = ['#1'] #CHANNELS = ['#1','#2','#3','#4'] EVENT_DELAY = 0.01 EVENT_DELAY = 0.001 EVENT_DELAY = None ITERATIONS = 1000000 ITERATIONS = 10000000 IMMEDIATE_TX = True #IMMEDIATE_TX = False VISUAL_CLIENT = True #VISUAL_CLIENT = False TELNET = False TELNET = True # # config end import multiprocessing import threading import asyncore import socket import signal import random import time import sys import os sys.path.insert(1, os.path.join(sys.path[0], '..')) from r0c.util import * import builtins try: print = __builtin__.print except: print = builtins.print PY2 = (sys.version_info[0] == 2) if PY2: from Queue import Queue else: from queue import Queue def get_term_size(): """ https://github.com/chrippa/backports.shutil_get_terminal_size MIT licensed """ import struct try: from ctypes import windll, create_string_buffer, WinError _handle_ids = { 0: -10, 1: -11, 2: -12, } def _get_terminal_size(fd): handle = windll.kernel32.GetStdHandle(_handle_ids[fd]) if handle == 0: raise OSError('handle cannot be retrieved') if handle == -1: raise WinError() csbi = create_string_buffer(22) res = windll.kernel32.GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo(handle, csbi) if res: res = struct.unpack("hhhhHhhhhhh", csbi.raw) left, top, right, bottom = res[5:9] columns = right - left + 1 lines = bottom - top + 1 return [columns, lines] else: raise WinError() except ImportError: import fcntl import termios def _get_terminal_size(fd): try: res = fcntl.ioctl(fd, termios.TIOCGWINSZ, b"\x00" * 4) except IOError as e: raise OSError(e) lines, columns = struct.unpack("hh", res) return [columns, lines] try: columns = int(os.environ["COLUMNS"]) except (KeyError, ValueError): columns = 0 try: lines = int(os.environ["LINES"]) except (KeyError, ValueError): lines = 0 # Only query if necessary if columns <= 0 or lines <= 0: try: size = _get_terminal_size(sys.__stdout__.fileno()) except (NameError, OSError): size = [80,24] if columns <= 0: columns = size[0] if lines <= 0: lines = size[1] return [columns, lines] tsz = get_term_size() tsz[1] -= 1 tszb = struct.pack('>HH', *tsz) #print(b2hex(tszb)) #sys.exit(0) class Client(asyncore.dispatcher): def __init__(self, core, port, behavior, status_q): asyncore.dispatcher.__init__(self) self.core = core self.port = port self.behavior = behavior self.status_q = status_q self.explain = True self.explain = False self.dead = False self.stopping = False self.actor_active = False self.bootup() def bootup(self): self.in_text = u'' self.tx_only = False self.outbox = Queue(1000) self.backlog = None self.num_outbox = 0 self.num_sent = 0 self.pkt_sent = 0 self.stage = 'start' self.nick = 'x' self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.connect(('', self.port)) thr = threading.Thread(target=self.actor) thr.daemon = True # for emergency purposes thr.start() def send_status(self, txt): if False: print(txt) self.status_q.put(txt) def actor(self): print_stages = False self.actor_active = True print('actor going up') while not self.stopping: time.sleep(0.02) if self.stage == 'start': self.send_status('start') hit = False if 'verify that your previous config' in self.in_text: hit = True self.in_text = u'' self.tx('n') if 'type the text below, then hit [Enter]:' in self.in_text: hit = True self.stage = 'qwer' self.in_text = u'' for ch in u'qwer asdf\n': self.tx(ch) time.sleep(0.1) if hit and TELNET: #print('sending telnet termsize\n'*100) self.txb(b'\xff\xfa\x1f' + tszb + b'\xff\xf0') continue if self.stage == 'qwer': self.send_status('qwer') test_pass = False if 'your client is stuck in line-buffered mode' in self.in_text: print('WARNING: r0c thinks we are linemode') test_pass = True self.tx(u'a') if 'text appeared as you typed' in self.in_text: test_pass = True self.tx(u'b') if test_pass: self.in_text = u'' self.stage = 'color' continue if self.stage == 'color': self.send_status('color') if 'does colours work?' in self.in_text: self.stage = 'codec' self.in_text = u'' self.tx(u'y') continue if self.stage == 'codec': self.send_status('codec') if 'which line looks like' in self.in_text: self.stage = 'getnick' self.tx(u'a') continue if self.stage == 'getnick': self.send_status('getnick') ofs1 = self.in_text.find(u'H\033[0;36m') ofs2 = self.in_text.find(u'>\033[0m ') if ofs1 >= 0 and ofs2 == ofs1 + 8 + 6: if not TELNET: #print('sending vt100 termsize\n'*100) self.tx(u'\033[{1};{0}R'.format(*tsz)) self.nick = self.in_text[ofs2-6:ofs2] self.in_text = u'' self.tx(u'/join {0}\n'.format(CHANNELS[0])) self.stage = 'ready' self.send_status('{0}:start'.format(self.nick)) if self.behavior == 'flood_single_channel': return self.flood_single_channel() if self.behavior == 'jump_channels': return self.jump_channels() if self.behavior == 'reconnect_loop': return self.reconnect_loop() if self.behavior == 'split_utf8_runes': return self.split_utf8_runes() print('u wot') return self.actor_active = False def flood_single_channel(self): while not self.stopping: time.sleep(0.02) if self.stage == 'ready': if 'fire/' in self.in_text: self.stage = 'main' self.in_Text = u'' continue if self.stage == 'main': self.stage = 'done' for n in range(4000): time.sleep(0.01) self.tx(u'{0} {1}\n'.format(time.time(), n)) continue if self.stage == 'done': time.sleep(1) self.text = u'' # dont care if not self.outbox.empty(): continue self.tx(u'{0} done\n'.format(time.time())) self.actor_active = False def split_utf8_runes(self): charset = u'⢀⣴⣷⣄⠈⠻⡿⠋' to_send = charset.encode('utf-8') while False: #print('tx up') for n in range(len(to_send)): #print('tx ch') self.txb(to_send[n:n+1]) time.sleep(0.2) self.txb(to_send[0:2]) to_send = to_send[2:] + to_send[0:2] while True: for n in range(0, len(to_send), 3): self.txb(to_send[n:n+3]) time.sleep(0.2) def reconnect_loop(self): #print('reconnect_loop here') channels_avail = CHANNELS for chan in channels_avail: self.tx(u'/join {0}\n'.format(chan)) time.sleep(1) #print('reconnect_loop closing') self.close() #print('reconnect_loop booting') self.bootup() #print('reconnect_loop sayonara') def expl(self, msg): if not self.explain: return print(msg) self.await_continue() def await_continue(self): self.in_text = u'' t0 = time.time() while not self.stopping and not 'zxc mkl' in self.in_text: time.sleep(0.1) if time.time() - t0 > 10: break self.in_text = u'' def jump_channels(self): immediate = IMMEDIATE_TX delay = EVENT_DELAY #print(immediate) #sys.exit(0) self.tx_only = immediate script = [] active_chan = 0 member_of = [CHANNELS[0]] channels_avail = CHANNELS # maps to channels_avail msg_id = [0]*len(channels_avail) # ---- acts ---- # next channel # join a channel # part a channel # send a message chance = [ 10, 5, 4, 18 ] chance = [ 10, 3, 2, 30 ] chance = [ 10, 30, 2, 130 ] for n in range(len(chance)-1): chance[n+1] += chance[n] print(chance) #sys.exit(1) odds_next, odds_join, odds_part, odds_send = chance for n in range(ITERATIONS): if self.stopping: break if n % 1000 == 0: self.send_status('{0}:ev.{1}'.format(self.nick, n)) #self.tx(u'at event {0}\n'.format(n)) while not self.stopping: if not member_of: next_act = 13 else: next_act = random.randrange(sum(chance)) if self.explain: print('in [{0}], active [{1}:{2}], msgid [{3}], next [{4}]'.format( ','.join(member_of), active_chan, channels_avail[active_chan], ','.join(str(x) for x in msg_id), next_act)) if next_act <= odds_next: if not member_of: self.expl('tried to jump channel but we are all alone ;_;') continue changed_from_i = active_chan changed_from_t = member_of[active_chan] active_chan += 1 script.append(b'\x18') if active_chan >= len(member_of): # we do not consider the status channel script.append(b'\x18') active_chan = 0 changed_to_i = active_chan changed_to_t = member_of[active_chan] if self.explain: self.expl('switching to next channel from {0} to {1} ({2} to {3})'.format( changed_from_i, changed_to_i, changed_from_t, changed_to_t)) for act in script: self.txb(act) self.txb(b'hello\n') self.await_continue() script = [] break if next_act <= odds_join: if len(member_of) == len(channels_avail): self.expl('tried to join channel but filled {0} of {1} possible'.format( len(member_of), len(channels_avail))) # out of channels to join, try a different act continue while True: to_join = random.choice(channels_avail) if to_join not in member_of: break member_of.append(to_join) active_chan = len(member_of) - 1 self.expl('going to join {0}:{1}, moving from {2}:{3}'.format( len(member_of), to_join, active_chan, member_of[active_chan])) script.append(u'/join {0}\n'.format(to_join).encode('utf-8')) if self.explain: for act in script: self.txb(act) self.txb(b'hello\n') self.await_continue() script = [] break if next_act <= odds_part: #continue if not member_of: self.expl('tried to leave channel but theres nothing to leave') # out of channels to part, try a different act continue to_part = random.choice(member_of) chan_idx = member_of.index(to_part) self.expl('gonna leave {0}:{1}, we are in {2}:{3}'.format( chan_idx, to_part, active_chan, member_of[active_chan])) # jump to the channel to part from while active_chan != chan_idx: self.expl('jumping over from {0} to {1}'.format( active_chan, active_chan + 1 )) active_chan += 1 script.append(b'\x18') if active_chan >= len(member_of): self.expl('wraparound; dodging the status chan') # we do not consider the status channel script.append(b'\x18') active_chan = 0 if active_chan == len(member_of) - 1: self.expl('we are at the end of the channel list, decreasing int') del member_of[active_chan] active_chan -= 1 else: self.expl('we are not at the end of the channel list, keeping it') del member_of[active_chan] if member_of: self.expl('we will end up in {0}:{1}'.format(active_chan, member_of[active_chan])) else: self.expl('we have now left all our channels') script.append(b'/part\n') if self.explain: for act in script: self.txb(act) self.txb(b'hello\n') self.await_continue() script = [] break if not member_of: # not in any channels, try a different act continue chan_name = member_of[active_chan] chan_idx = channels_avail.index(chan_name) msg_id[chan_idx] += 1 self.expl('gonna talk to {0}:{1}, msg #{2}'.format( chan_idx, chan_name, msg_id[chan_idx])) script.append(u'{0} {1} {2}\n'.format( chan_name, msg_id[chan_idx], n).encode('utf-8')) if self.explain: for act in script: self.txb(act) self.txb(b'hello\n') self.await_continue() script = [] if immediate: for action in script: self.txb(action) if delay: time.sleep(delay) script = [] break self.tx(u'q\n') while not self.stopping: if 'fire/' in self.in_text: break time.sleep(0.01) self.tx_only = True for n, ev in enumerate(script): if self.stopping: break if n % 100 == 0: print('at event {0}\n'.format(n)) self.txb(ev) if delay: time.sleep(delay) self.tx(u'done') print('done') self.actor_active = False def handle_close(self): self.dead = True def handle_error(self): whoops() def tx(self, bv): self.txb(bv.encode('utf-8')) def txb(self, bv): self.num_outbox += len(bv) self.outbox.put(bv) def readable(self): return not self.dead def writable(self): return (self.backlog or not self.outbox.empty()) def handle_write(self): msg = self.backlog if not msg: msg = self.outbox.get() sent = self.send(msg) self.backlog = msg[sent:] self.num_sent += sent self.pkt_sent += 1 if self.pkt_sent % 8192 == 8191: #print('outbox {0} sent {1} queue {2}'.format(self.num_outbox, self.num_sent, self.num_outbox - self.num_sent)) self.send_status('{0}:s{1},q{2}'.format(self.nick, self.num_sent, self.num_outbox - self.num_sent)) def handle_read(self): if self.dead: print('!!! read when dead') return data = self.recv(8192) if not data: self.dead = True return if VISUAL_CLIENT: print(data.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')) if not self.tx_only: self.in_text += data.decode('utf-8', 'ignore') #if self.explain: # print(self.in_text) class SubCore(object): def __init__(self, port, behavior, cmd_q, stat_q): self.cmd_q = cmd_q self.stat_q = stat_q self.port = port self.behavior = behavior self.stopped = False self.client = Client(self, self.port, self.behavior, stat_q) def run(self): timeout = 0.2 while self.cmd_q.empty(): asyncore.loop(timeout, count=2) self.client.stopping = True clean_shutdown = False for n in range(0, 40): # 2sec if not self.client.actor_active: clean_shutdown = True break time.sleep(0.05) self.client.close() self.stopped = True class ClientAPI(object): def __init__(self, mproc, cmd_q, stat_q): self.mproc = mproc self.cmd_q = cmd_q self.stat_q = stat_q self.status = 'not.init' def recv_status(self): while not self.stat_q.empty(): self.status = self.stat_q.get() class Core(object): def __init__(self): if len(sys.argv) < 2: print('need 1 argument: telnet port') sys.exit(1) port = int(sys.argv[1]) self.stopping = False self.asyncore_alive = False signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, self.signal_handler) #behaviors = ['jump_channels'] * (NUM_CLIENTS) #behaviors.append('reconnect_loop') behaviors = ['split_utf8_runes'] * (NUM_CLIENTS) self.clients = [] for behavior in behaviors: cmd_q = multiprocessing.Queue() stat_q = multiprocessing.Queue() mproc = multiprocessing.Process(target=self.new_subcore, args=(cmd_q, stat_q)) self.clients.append(ClientAPI(mproc, cmd_q, stat_q)) cmd_q.put(port) cmd_q.put(behavior) mproc.start() def new_subcore(self, cmd_q, stat_q): subcore = SubCore(cmd_q.get(), cmd_q.get(), cmd_q, stat_q) subcore.run() cmd_q.get() def print_status(self): msg = u'' for cli in self.clients: msg += u'{0}, '.format(cli.status) print(msg) def run(self): print(' * test is running') print_status = not VISUAL_CLIENT while not self.stopping: for n in range(0,5): time.sleep(0.1) for cli in self.clients: cli.recv_status() if self.stopping: break if print_status: self.print_status() print('\r\n * subcores stopping') for subcore in self.clients: subcore[1].put('x') for n in range(0, 40): # 2sec clean_shutdown = True for subcore in self.clients: if not subcore[1].empty(): clean_shutdown = False break if clean_shutdown: print(' * actor stopped') break time.sleep(0.05) if not clean_shutdown: print(' -X- some subcores are stuck') for subcore in self.clients: if not subcore[1].empty(): subcore[0].terminate() print(' * test ended') def shutdown(self): self.stopping = True def signal_handler(self, signal, frame): self.shutdown() if __name__ == '__main__': core = Core() core.run() # cat log | grep -E ' adding msg ' | awk '{printf "%.3f\n", $1-v; v=$1}' | sed -r 's/\.//;s/^0*//;s/^$/0/' | awk 'BEGIN {sum=0} $1<10000 {sum=sum+$1} NR%10==0 {v=sum/32; sum=0; printf "%" v "s\n", "" }' | tr ' ' '#'