#!/bin/bash set -e # fixed set of arguments to always give ttyd; # * write-enable (needed by v1.7.4+) # * don't reconnect if the user quits # * disable some more stuff # * the bifrost color scheme :^) ttyd_fargs=( -W -t disableReconnect=true -t enableSixel=false -t enableTrzsz=false -t enableZmodem=false -t 'theme={"background":"#222","black":"#404040","red":"#f03669","green":"#b8e346","yellow":"#ffa402","blue":"#02a2ff","magenta":"#f65be3","cyan":"#3da698","white":"#d2d2d2","brightBlack":"#606060","brightRed":"#c75b79","brightGreen":"#c8e37e","brightYellow":"#ffbe4a","brightBlue":"#71cbff","brightMagenta":"#b67fe3","brightCyan":"#9cf0ed","brightWhite":"#fff"}' ) # then the additional arguments to give ttyd by default; # * listen on port 8023, # * listen on all interfaces (needed by v1.7.4+) # * window title = r0c # * dom works on phones (canvas/webgl is jank) ttyd_args=( -p 8023 -i -t titleFixed=r0c -t rendererType=dom -t disableResizeOverlay=true ) # then the arguments to give r0c if nothing is given to the script; # --ara is recommended because otherwise everyone will be admin r0c_args=( --ara ) # now, if this script is executed with any arguments at all, then the # default r0c_args will be cleared and replaced with those, however # you can also specify ttyd_args by separating them with "--"; # that way ttyd gets everything before that and r0c gets the rest: # ./webr0c.sh -p 8023 -- --ara -tpt 2424 -tpn 1515 if [ "$1" ]; then r0c_args=() while [ "$1" ]; do [ "$1" = -- ] && { ttyd_args=("${r0c_args[@]}") r0c_args=() shift continue } r0c_args+=("$1") shift done fi ttyd_args+=("${ttyd_fargs[@]}") # append the fixed set of args echo echo " >>> will run ttyd with: ${ttyd_args[*]}" echo echo " >>> will run r0c with: ${r0c_args[*]}" echo ######################################################################## # ensure we cleanup on exit pids=() trap 'kill ${pids[@]} 2>/dev/null;sleep 0.1' INT TERM EXIT # first check if ttyd is installed system-wide, # otherwise try ./ttyd.x86_64, and if that also fails # just assume exactly one other binary is present ttyd=$(command -v ttyd || echo ./ttyd.x86_64) [ -e $ttyd ] || ttyd=./ttyd.* if echo q | telnet -E -c; then # telnet seems to be working; # connect to port 23 if root, 2323 otherwise [ $(id -u) -eq 0 ] && p=23 || p=2323 $ttyd "${ttyd_args[@]}" telnet -E -c $p & else echo "telnet not found; okay, using bash instead" # connect to port 531 if root, 1531 otherwise [ $(id -u) -eq 0 ] && p=531 || p=1531 $ttyd "${ttyd_args[@]}" ./bashclient.sh $p & fi pids+=($!) # now it's time to start r0c, # first check if installed system-wide, # then try ./r0c.py, and panic if that also fails if python3 -c 'import r0c' 2>/dev/null; then python3 -m r0c "${r0c_args[@]}" & else python3 r0c.py "${r0c_args[@]}" & fi pids+=($!) # figure out what port ttyd is listening on and print a helpful message PORT=$(printf ' %s\n' "${ttyd_args[*]}" | sed -r 's/.* -p *([0-9]+).*/\1/; s/.*[^0-9].*//; s/^$/7681/') printf '\n\033[32m >>> r0c available at\n\033[0m (and telnet and netcat too)\n' $PORT # if either r0c or ttyd exits, kill the other wait -n kill ${pids[@]}